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5 Reasons Why You Should Foster Teens

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5 Reasons Why You Should Foster Teens

Teens in foster care often get a bad rap. We can all agree that there is a general misconception when it comes to teens, think of sayings like, “the teenage years,” or “troubled teens.” So when it comes to fostering, many people prefer to start with younger children.

Now we challenge you to think about this. Why do children end up in foster care? By no fault of their own.

So why are so many people hesitant to step in as caregivers to teens? Maybe it is a fear of the unknown. It could be a fear of failure, that maybe they won’t be able to help this young person. We encourage you all to keep an open heart and mind when it comes to teenagers in foster care. Here are our top five reasons why you should foster teens.

1. Offer A New Perspective

Foster parents are as unique as the children they care for. Every child and parent offers a fresh look at the world! Foster parents offer children a new view of adults, helping teens build trust while teaching them new skills.

2. Role Model and Mentor

Foster parents can be a positive influence on teenagers, helping them navigate this new developmental stage. Foster teens can create an emotional bond with people who understand them. They can learn to confide in their mentor over time building a shared trust.

3. Create More Memories

Everyone wants to feel accepted, loved, and a part of a family. When teens feel comfortable and safe with you, their world will open up. Lending teens patience and kindness will pay off tenfold! As they open up, you’ll begin to learn more about one another. Building towards more shared interests and hobbies, these moments will create sweet memories for all.

4. Safe Space and Life Skills

Being able to create a safe space for teens is important because they may age out of the system before their parent’s legal rights are terminated. Having foster families who can help teach teens life skills is a deep need within the foster care community.

Most teens entering foster care end up in group homes or nontraditional housing settings. 20% of teens in foster care will immediately become homeless upon aging out. So having more homes that can teach life skills, and setting teens up with the ability to become independent is so needed at this time.

5. Stepping Up However You Can

We believe foster parents can make a difference in the lives of foster teens. Foster parents are like a light tower to provide guidance when foster youth are lost in the dark. Why not step up for the teen in foster care?


Being a foster parent is no easy task. We can only hope that more people open their homes to foster teens. If you are not ready to become a foster parent but would like to help, join us HERE.

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