Start A Fundraiser
Start a fundraiser to help foster youth nationwide and ensure they feel supported. Together, we can bring joy, comfort, and hope to children in foster care when they need it most.
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Create/Host Your Own Team Building Activities Or Fundraise To Support A Program.
Team building activities & events are a large part of Foster Love and we work with countless groups to hold various activities to benefit children in foster care. For each item listed below, we offer an online fundraising platform to help crowdfund the event of your choice.
Sweet Cases Distributed To Children In Foster Care
Start a Disney Days Fundraiser to help support sibling reunification this fall.
Starting A Campaign Is Easy!
Each campaign is another step forward in improving the lives of children in foster care. For additional help starting a campaign, please click here to view our fundraiser guide.
When you decide to host a fundraiser or give directly, your contribution causes a ripple effect. Each additional dollar raised and volunteer hour donated directly impacts several areas in need.
“I work for a foster care agency in New York City, we received a donation of these birthday boxes. The kids love them, and we love seeing their reactions when they receive it!”
Andrea Moore

“My son and I want to thank you for his new bike. His family is working hard towards reunification and he can’t wait to show everyone the cool tricks he is learning. It is nice to see him smiling.”
Tony, Foster Dad

“As a former ward of the state this is very beautiful and fills my heart with so much warmth that so many are willing to help! Thank you for caring enough to help foster youth”.
Melissa Hoornstra

“Lovely! Giving a smile to those little angels is creating a better future. Children deserve dignity. To feel love and be supported is transformative, changing the direction of their lives.”
Davis Mogapi

“Many of the children we serve don’t have access to bikes or other outdoor equipment while they stay-at-home.”
Seneca, Orange County