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7 DIY Projects To Do During COVID

7 DIY Projects To Do During COVID

7 DIY Projects To Do During COVID

Now that many states, counties, and cities are shutting down again, everyone has time at home. Rather than binge-watching The Office for the 12th time, we offer some DIY projects to do during COVID.

1. Rearrange Your Home

Whether you are into knick-knacks or just want to refresh your bookshelves rearranging your things can be a great project. It allows you to take inventory of what you have and how you’d like it shown.

2. Cleaning Projects

This may be cringy but the time has come to clean the random things we forget about. This would include, blinds, vents, fans, the oven! Deep cleaning can be done in segments so don’t feel overwhelmed thinking about the last time you got to it.

3. Organizing

So you know where things are now it’s time to organize inside your cupboards and closets. Take time to Marie Kondo some of the things you’ve been collecting subconsciously.

4. Spruce Up Your Walls

This can be as simple as rearranging paints or as complicated as painting ever wall. Think about how each room makes you feel and what makes you happy to look at. Curate your in-home art gallery.

5. Pull Those Weeds

Now is the perfect time to start that yard or patio project. Learn how to pull propagate plants, create that calming space to relax, or simply get rid of the weeds.

6. Go Through Your Storage

Whether you just have a junk draw or maybe you have a garage full of random things. Now is the time to go through what you have been storing and decide if those things still need to be in your life.

7. Wash Everything

Wash all your linens, curtains, towels, cars, dishes. Take time to just make sure everything in your home is freshly laundered or clean. It can be a project you take on day by day. Now you won’t have to question when the last time something was washed.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we hope you continue to stay safe during these uncertain times. We hope that you enjoyed our list of DIY projects to do during COVID.

If you want to give back with your free time, check out our service projects and get involved in helping foster youth in your area!

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