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7 Ways to Host a Fun Team Building Event on Zoom

Fun Team Building Event on Zoom

7 Ways to Host a Fun Team Building Event on Zoom

Hosting a fun team building event is hard under the best of circumstances. Now that many organizations are staying remote through the end of 2020 we have to think of even more creative ways to stay connected.

The Foster Love – Together We Rise team are experts in creating fun team building events and since the pandemic, our facilitated Zoom events have been a hit! Here are our top 7 ways to host a fun team building event on Zoom.

1. Don’t Over Think It!

There is no perfect situation or plan. Commit to a date and start working towards it!

2. Awkwardness is Okay

Not everyone on your team is going to be super chatty! It is okay and you will recover. Translating an in-person event to online space is not easy and revel in the unknown!

3. Gamify It

One of the best ways to improve your Zoom team building event is by gamifying it. Split everyone into virtual teams, keep score, and see how people can still connect without being in the same space.

4. Cheers, It Is Happy Hour

There are so many ways to make team building fun, one classic way is to share drinks and snacks. While this is from a distance, it can still be a great conversation starter and way to relax together.

5. Sing it Out

Zoom Karaoke is a little cheesy but so much fun! Have people pick songs they know, or do a lightning round of random pop hits and see who knows the songs!

6. Trivia for the Win

Stick to team building activities that work, trivia games are a great ice breaker. They can also be the entire team build if planned properly. But always works as a way to reconnect people in between questions.

One of the best and most fun ways to team build via zoom is to host a service project that helps the community. Foster Love – Together We Rise has been perfecting this great way to connect and give back. Not only will your team share in a fun virtual team but they will feel good about their work during a time when there just isn’t a lot of good news.

If you are looking for help on the team building from home front, connect with us HERE!

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