• unnamed
    Dec. 22, 2019

    Adopting Through Foster Care: Jeena’s Story

    Adopting Through Foster Care: Jeena’s Story Adopting through foster care is also the path in kinship adoption. A kinship adoption is the placement of a child with relatives, grandparents, or friends of the family. This is the route Jeena Wilder decided to go on. Jeena was already a busy mother of three but that didn’t…

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  • boy-1854107_640
    Dec. 22, 2019

    Siblings are Better Together

    Siblings are Better Together Siblings are better together, at least that is one point we can all agree on. This winter the Melton family of Oklahoma City took this idea to heart. The Melton family of five did not have plans to grow but life had another plan. Learning a Hard Truth on TV Last…

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  • Screen Shot 2019-12-12 at 2.18.23 PM
    Dec. 22, 2019

    The Joy of Adopting a Teen

    The Joy of Adopting a Teen The joy of adopting a teen is often overlooked. 80% of children adopted through foster care are under the age of seven. The older a child gets, the slimmer their chances of finding a forever gets. However, the 44th Circuit Court in Howell, Michigan, showed the community the true…

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  • Dec. 13, 2019

    5 Holiday Myths About Foster Youth

    5 Holiday Myths About Foster Youth There are many myths about foster youth. Some based entirely on fiction other perpetuated by the media and antiquated views of little Annie orphan. Here are our top 5 holiday myths we’d like to debunk about kids in foster care. 1. Kids in Care Live in Drafty Turn of…

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  • adoptions
    Dec. 12, 2019

    San Bernardino County Finalized 120 Adoptions

    San Bernardino County Finalized 120 Adoptions San Bernardino County finalized 120 adoptions during a ceremony on November 21st. While adoptions happen year-round, San Bernardino County Children and Family Services host an annual adoption finalization celebration to unite families and friends for this occasion. The Hoover Family One of the families at the adoption event, the…

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  • Dec. 10, 2019

    Fostering to Adopt Melissa’s Story

    Fostering to Adopt Melissa’s Story Fostering to adopt is incredibly complicated, it doesn’t have to be! Here is a story of a family that made it easy. With a little patience and hope, Melissa McGovern got the family of her dreams. This is her story: The Fostering to Adopt Process Melissa and her wife Lynn started…

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  • Dec. 6, 2019

    5 Ways to Help Kids in Foster Care During Christmas

    Do you want to know our top 5 ways to help kids in foster care during Christmas? Of course you do! You care about your community and are excited to find ways to make a difference. You understand how important the holidays can be for children. Especially for children who are missing their families. Let’s…

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  • 2W1A5029
    Dec. 6, 2019

    UCLA Bruin Athletic Council Partner Help Foster Youth

    UCLA Bruin Athletic Council Partner with Foster Love - Together We Rise to Help Foster Youth Brentwood, CA –  UCLA’s Bruin Athletic Council partnered with Foster Love - Together We Rise for a community outreach project. The goal behind the project is to help replace trash bags with Sweet Case duffle bags to help foster youth. The service project took place…

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    Dec. 5, 2019

    Judge’s Tough Approach to Foster Care

    Judge’s Tough Approach to Foster Care Judge’s tough approach to foster care is transforming New Orleans. When you enter Judge Ernestine S. Gray’s courtroom it looks more like a preschool than a courtroom. There is a bookcase full of children’s classics and stuffed animals of every shape, size, and species. Making the Worst Day Better…

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    Dec. 4, 2019

    Adoption Through Foster Care: Lori Ann

    Adoption Through Foster Care: Lori Ann’s Journey Adoption through foster care stories are as diverse as the people who experience them. This story begins with a couple struggling with fertility, similar to some adoptions. It is devastating when you can’t conceive a child of your own but sometimes it can turn out as a blessing…

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  • Adoption from Foster Care
    Nov. 26, 2019

    Hollie’s Adoption from Foster Care Story

    Hollie’s Adoption from Foster Care Story Hollie’s adoption from foster care story is unique. Not all adoption stories begin the same way. Some families foster with no intention of adopting. In Hollie Gray’s case, it started out as a journey to provide a safe and loving home for kids who needed it. But she soon discovers…

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  • Thankful for
    Nov. 22, 2019

    Four Things TWR is Thankful For

    Four Things TWR is Thankful For What are you thankful for? Well, as we enter this giving season the TWR team reflects on four things we are thankful for. 1. We are Thankful for Our Supporters The Foster Love - Together We Rise team is so grateful for our supporters nationwide. Whether you are a fan, volunteer, donor,…

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  • Foster adoption
    Nov. 21, 2019

    Foster Adoption: Jerren’s Story

    Foster Adoption: Jerren’s Story Foster adoption is a beautiful way to grow one’s family. Not all foster adoptions look the same but the outcome of family and community is worth it. Jerren Morning always had plans of having biological kids once he got married. It became apparent that his path would turn out different when he…

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  • Nov. 20, 2019

    Team Building with Student Athletes at UCI

    Team Building with Student Athletes at UCI Team building with student athletes is beyond fun! This week our student athlete friends at the University of California Irvine (UCI) came together for a charitable team build. In truth, we are working on a new initiative to help more kids in care by partnering with college athletic…

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  • Foster Care Adoption
    Nov. 20, 2019

    Foster Care Adoption: Jessica’s Journey

    Foster Care Adoption: Jessica’s Journey Foster care adoption can be a long process for some. This week we are featuring Jessica’s story, a wife and a mom of two. She and her husband Brandyn didn’t have the easiest time with their adoption process as it is the type of love that you need to fight for.…

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  • Team Building Ideas
    Nov. 16, 2019

    Add a Charity Component to Your Team Building Ideas

    Add a Charity Component to Your Team Building Ideas Step up your game and add a charity component to your team building ideas. Really! Team building and corporate and social responsibility are two efforts your organizations invest in. Might as well merge the two into one awesome day. How to Get Started Now that you…

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  • Austin Adoption Day
    Nov. 15, 2019

    Austin Adoption Day 2019

    Austin Adoption Day 2019 Austin Adoption Day 2019 brought some beautiful moments, especially for Taneeka Ingram’s family. Taneeka works as a home health nurse with Viva Pediatrics. Last October she received a life-changing call. A History The call came in and the woman on the line asked Taneeka if she remembered Jakobe. Of course, she…

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  • Adopting from foster care
    Nov. 14, 2019

    Adopting from Foster Care: Laura’s Story

    Adopting from Foster Care: Laura’s Story Adopting from foster care is often a difficult journey. With the adoption of a child with special needs comes plenty of challenges but also provides just as much joy. With sacrifices and some hard work, Laura and her husband made things work. Here is their story on how they…

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  • Fun team building activities
    Nov. 11, 2019

    Fun Team Building Activities with AIG

    Fun Team Building Activities with AIG We love doing fun team building activities with AIG. This week we spent some time with them in NY for a Birthday Box build. Who is AIG? AIG is a multinational finance and insurance corporation that is committed to helping its community. Their sustainability report cites. At AIG, both…

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  • Kids For Adoption
    Nov. 8, 2019

    Kids For Adoption Through Foster Care

    Kids For Adoption Through Foster Care Many people don’t consider how many kids are for up adoption through foster care. During the foster to adopt process, not only does your family expand, but your heart does too as well. It is not flesh and blood that creates a family, but it’s all the love that…

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  • Keep Kids Out Of Foster Care
    Nov. 6, 2019

    New Kentucky Program Helps Keep Kids Out Of Foster Care System

    New Kentucky Program Helps Keep Kids Out Of Foster Care System A new Kentucky program helps keep kids out of the foster care system. The Family First Prevention Act in Kentucky is a new resource to families facing difficulties. The intention is to help prevent the removal of their children from their home. “That’s where…

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  • Holiday Team Building Activities
    Nov. 6, 2019

    Four Fun Team Building Holiday Activities

    Four Fun Team Building Holiday Activities With the season of giving right around the corner. We’ve made a comprehensive list of the top team building holiday activities. EVER. Before we start, let’s preface that not everyone celebrates the holidays so we are trying to keep things light and inclusive. 1. Themed Team Building Scavenger Hunt…

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  • Adopting From Foster Care
    Nov. 5, 2019

    Adopting From Foster Care: Erica’s Story

    Adopting From Foster Care: Erica’s Story Adopting from foster care can be simple or far more complicated than you can ever imagine. Each story we receive is different and comes with its set of unique challenges. For Erica, she jumped right into adopting and her world quickly turned upside down. Here is Erica’s foster to adopt…

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  • Extend Benefits to Foster Youth
    Nov. 4, 2019

    Louisiana Becomes the 28th State to Extend Benefits to Foster Youth

    Louisiana Becomes the 28th State to Extend Benefits to Foster Youth Louisiana becomes the 28th state to extend benefits to foster youth. With the large population of youth aging out of the system and becoming homeless or suffering from housing instability, many states move to extend support. Passing of SB 129 (Act 649) Because of…

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  • Things to Never Say to a Foster Youth
    Nov. 1, 2019

    5 Things to Never Say to a Foster Youth

    5 Things to Never Say to a Foster Youth Five things to never say to a foster youth, it seems simple. But as we approach the holiday season, we come together with people from many backgrounds. Hopefully, some of those people include current and former foster youth. Many of our current staff and interns have…

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