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Adopt America: Rebecca’s Adoption Story

Adopt America: Rebecca’s Adoption Story

Adopt America: Rebecca’s Adoption Story

Adoption can be a long process, especially when looking to adopt in America. Everyone comes to this place at different times in their lives and in different ways. Passionate about fostering, Rebecca responded to the calling to welcome children into her home and to become a mother. This week, Rebecca shares her foster-to-adopt story with us.

Fostering in the Cards

Taking us back to the beginning of her life-changing decision, Rebecca states “I started my foster journey in August 2014. In November 2014, I received my foster license. I knew the statistics of foster children going back to their biological families. But something in me told me that I would one day legally adopt the child I foster.”

Rebecca went on to say, “I began fostering my daughter when she was four days old, on April 9, 2015. The adoption was finalized on May 1, 2017.”

The Ride of a Lifetime

We chatted about Rebecca’s experience with the adoption process.“My foster to adopt story was a rollercoaster that I never wanted to get off.  I dealt with the typical court cases regarding parental rights. I was awarded educational rights because my daughter required an IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan). Due to her Occupational and Physical Therapy Needs.”

Rebecca recalled the best experience she had through this process,  stating, “(The) best experience was love at first sight when I met Gabriella in the hospital room when she was just three days old. I never knew then this tiny 5 lb little newborn would change my life and better my life in so many ways, despite the hardships.” Welcoming a child into your home not only impacts the child but changes your life as well.

Rebecca expresses, “My life has more meaning, more love, and more sleepless nights. I knew I was always destined to be a mother but didn’t think when I was younger that I would become a mother through foster/adopt.”

Support is Key

Rebecca offers advice to anyone considering fostering or adopting. “Make sure you have a solid family and group of friends that will support you during this sometimes heartbreaking journey. Things can change in an instant but if you have faith in the outcome, things can work out.  My family and friends were extremely supportive of me while I was going through personal struggles while fostering and eventually adopting my daughter.”

Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your story with us. If you are in the process of fostering to adopt in America, we offer free adoption day photography. Check out our Framing Forever program for more information.

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