Adopting a Baby: The Stewart Family
Becoming Foster Parents
The Stewart’s journey started roughly six years ago. They became certified foster parents through the NECCO foster agency after working as nurses at a local behavioral hospital. They became inspired to foster after seeing so many children with no place to call home.
This became the start of fostering countless foster kiddos and three adoptions. A few of those children have reunified with their parents, others went to new placements, and those three children. Their children range in age, from a baby to a teen and they have changed Stewart’s lives, completely.
Growing a Family
Between the three children, they have two adoption dates. May 31st, 2016 and January 31st, 2020. Like most adoption stories there are ups and downs. The Stewart’s recount their journey.
It had its challenges and there were times we were stressed beyond belief. We just had to hold onto the idea and vision that it was all going to work out. Our oldest had already been terminated, so his was a little less stressful, but the two younger ones still had biological parents involved.
The Best is Yet to Come
With a process that spans years and takes patience, it is great to have a solid foster agency. The Stewart’s credit their agency for helping extensively.
What is the best experience you’ve had through this process? Our agency and has always been there for us every step of the way. Any questions, concerns, or issues. They always were a text or call away.
Growing A Family
Life is different with children and despite the struggle to get there, the Stewarts explained to us why it was worth it.
There is always gonna be challenges, arguments, and battles. No kid is perfect and no parent is. There will always be mistakes in both. It’s about working through those issues and still knowing that even as mad as you may feel at times you are still family and love each other. Instilling that into these kid’s heads is the hardest but the most rewarding experience.
Learning True Patience
We always end our interview by asking if there is any advice they’d like to share. The Stewart’s left of with this.
Just be prepared for the hurry up and wait process. There are so many kids out there being adopted (which is a good thing) sometimes it takes more time then what you want it. Be patient. Be consistent. Don’t sweat the small stuff and just let them know you love them.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, we want to thank the Stewart’s for sharing their story of adopting a baby, plus two! For those interested in adopting. Check out the cost of adoption in your state via our adoption calculator HERE.