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Austin Adoption Day 2019

Austin Adoption Day

Austin Adoption Day 2019

Austin’s Adoption Day in 2019 brought some beautiful moments, especially for Taneeka Ingram’s family. Taneeka works as a home health nurse with Viva Pediatrics. Last October she received a life-changing call.

A History

The call came in and the woman on the line asked Taneeka if she remembered Jakobe. Of course, she remembered Jakobe. In 2016 she met and took care of him for the first nine months of his life. Born 26 weeks premature, Jakobe required oxygen and used a gastronomy button before his transition home. Taneeka worked with Jakobe for two years and often thought of him.

She recalls what a precious baby he had been. Ingram and her husband, Terrence Roberson, learned that Jakobe entered the foster care system and needed a permanent home. They opened their home and heart to him and became his forever family on Austin Adoption Day.

The Annual Austin Adoption Day

The annual Austin Adoption Day celebrates adoptive families and raises awareness of the need for foster and adoptive homes. On Thursday, 39 children, including Jakobe became part of the adoption ceremony.

“What we’ve experienced this morning right here in Austin, Texas, is proof certain that angels walk among us and miracles happen,” said Judge Darlene Byrne, who presided over Jakobe’s adoption. “Boy, is that a good day.”

In and interview with Yahoo Style, Ingram says.

People don’t understand how blessed their life is until you are able to witness a parent with a child with special needs,” Ingram says. “It may seem like it’s a lot, but just think of it as giving that little one just a little bit of extra love to care for them. It is truly a blessing to be able to care for a child with special needs, and witnessing the progress that Jakobe has made just warms my heart. They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but in our case, Jakobe is like a magnet that has everyone gravitating to him to shower him with love that he needs and deserves, and it’s all genuine love that he has received.

In Conclusion

Austin Adoption Day is a special way to acknowledge the families that grow through alternative methods. For those families in the process of fostering to adopt, Foster Love – Together We Rise offers free adoption day photography through our Framing Forever program. More information on Framing Forever is offered here.

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