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Carrying on the Tradition of Adoption

Carrying on the Tradition of Adoption

Carrying on the Tradition of Adoption

Adoption is beautiful and even more so when one can carry on the tradition of adoption. A lucky few get to actually experience this and Lauren Roberson is one of those lucky few. Being adopted herself, she always wanted to grow her family through adoption. So, in 2014 she and her husband decided to start the process of becoming licensed foster parents in Georgia. Unfortunately, they had to restart the entire process when they decided to move to South Carolina in 2015.  After two long years they finally became licensed foster parents in South Carolina.

Working Towards Adoption

Their foster care journey had many ups and downs. They always lived in uncertainty of how long they would foster kids for. They never knew what their lives would consist of. At one point they didn’t foster any children and suddenly they found themselves fostering 6 kids at once! They saw kids come and go, but saying goodbye never got easier. One of their favorite parts of the process was being able to help the children heal and learn to love again. Although they did have to say bye to some kids, they knew that their happiness was worth any pain they felt.

The Privilege and Gift of Adoption Through Foster Care

The couple received two very special placements throughout the years. The first being a five-year-old boy and the second a newborn girl. In 2019 Lauren Roberson and her husband had the privilege of becoming the boy’s forever family! And just a year later, in 2020, they adopted their baby girl! Being foster parents prepared them for adoption because they got the chance to learn about the system and see what it takes in order to care for these children.

Helping Heal Children

According to Lauren Roberson, being a foster parent is one of the most rewarding things one can do. It definitely is a long journey because you have to be prepared for anything. Every child is different and you have to take the time to get to know them. She says, “These children will need extra love and care. They have been through far more than most of us can comprehend. But, we have to do what we can to help them heal and learn to trust again. Love them fiercely and show them that they DO matter! Invest everything in them. Build their confidence and show them what being loved truly means”.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we want to thank Lauren and her family for sharing their tradition of adoption. It is a wonderful way to grow a family. If you are interested in starting a tradition of adoption, check out our adoption calculator HERE to see costs by state and adoption type.

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