Changing Lives Through Foster Care Adoption
Changing lives through foster care adoption is beautiful. Life has so many unexpected twists and turns that it’s hard to be certain of a lot of things. Jaleesa Graham is a prime example of that. She began her fostering journey in January of 2016. In the beginning, she didn’t have the intention of ever adopting. That is until she received her first placement a month later on February 25. Her very first placement was a six-month-old boy named Gabriel. Little did she know that boy would be the reason she changed her entire perspective on adoption.
Changing Plans
Like with most fostering situations, reunification was the first option for Gabe. Jaleesa understood that, but as time went on it became less likely that Gabe could be reunified with his bio parents. Over the course of 2 years, she anxiously awaited updates on his situation. During that time, she had the opportunity of watching him grow up. Ultimately, her relationship with Gabe changed her entire perspective on being a foster parent. Their bond prepared her for adoption.
Changing Lives Through Foster Care Adoption
Almost 3 years after Gabe’s placement he became legally free to adopt on October 16, 2018. That day happened to be Jaleesa’s birthday which made it even more special and the best gift she could have ever asked for. They finally set the adoption date and Jaleesa began the process of adoption. After 3 long and uncertain years, Gabe’s adoption became official. April 12, 2019 will always be a special day for Jaleesa and her family because that’s the day that Gabe finally found his forever home.
Lessons Learned
Through the entire journey, Jaleesa learned an important lesson. Take life as it comes because no one can predict the future. She never thought adoption would be a part of her journey, but she embraced change. Fostering changed her life, which is why she continues to foster.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, we want to thank Jaleesa and her family for sharing how their lives changed through foster care adoption.
For those interested in adopting through foster care. Check out our adoption calculator HERE to view costs by state and adoption type.