First Foster Home Community Opens in Texas
The first foster home community opens in Grayson County Texas this summer. There is a huge push for foster care reform and one rising trend is foster villages and foster communities. Susie Holamon, the founder of the Geary Foster Foundation, created the first eight-home foster community outside of Howe.
The first home on the Geary Girls Ranch opened in August. The home is on an 11-acre property, each home costs around $300K and comes with five bedrooms, suited for 4 to 6 children.
Having a Connection to Foster Care
Holamon is a former foster youth and wanted a community that creates a better support system for children. The concept of foster care communities is relatively new. While group homes are common, they often lack a familiar structure.
The mission of Geary Foster Foundation is, ” to provide homes that are built on strong foundations where foster parents and mentors encourage strength, value, and self-worth for each foster child that enters its walls as a refuge”
The property will include a foster closet, which is a free store for the foster families in Grayson County. The goal is to have shelves full of clothing, toys, books, and furniture.
Building Dreams Through Generosity
The foundation got a solid start thanks to the donation of land from George and Maggie Aune. It is beautiful what communities accomplish when they support children in care.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, the children of Grayson County Texas are lucky to have advocates trying new ways to support foster youth. We look forward to watching the Geary Foster Foundation grow. Creating new ways to change foster care is not a small feat.
For those interested in helping foster youth nationwide. Please consider joining Foster Love – Together We Rise in creating powerful service projects that benefit children in care within your community. Learn more HERE.