Five Things Kids in Foster Care Need
Recently, social media platforms saw a viral post about donating used luggage to kids in foster care. This post helps inform the public about how kids in foster care typically get a trash bag to move.
One point of misinformation from this post is that many foster agencies don’t have enough storage. When placements come in and it is an emergency to move the child. Scrambling for a rolling luggage piece is not always a priority. So, many people who wanted to donate luggage were not able to.
Here is a list of items that kids in care need. Please check to make sure your local foster agency takes tangible donations before you start buying.
1. New Undergarments
When kids are moved into homes, they can sometimes come in with only the clothing on their backs. New socks and undergarments are always in great need.
One way we help is with our Socktober campaign. Last year 83k pairs of socks made it to kids in foster care across the nation.
2. School Supplies
School supplies can always be used, pencils, paper, backpacks. One of the stable parts of care is that each child is in school. Help them by making sure they come prepared to class.
3. Toiletries
Toiletries can be overlooked. Kids need toothpaste, toothbrushes, all types of soap. If you are into couponing this might be a great area you can help provide support.
4. Diapers
One item that seems to be needed heavily is diapers. Many foster parents who take in emergency placements and don’t always have diapers on hand. Donating diapers is a great way to not only support children but their foster parents.
5. Feminine Hygiene Products
The majority of children in care are over the age of six. Many reach puberty and need access to resources like feminine hygiene products. It is a simple necessity that can go unnoticed.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, there are several things kids in care need. Make sure to contact the agency you’d like to help directly before buying any items.
We are always looking for solutions for problems that arise in foster care. Which is why we’ve created our service projects. Join us in helping kids in care by becoming a volunteer HERE.