Hollie’s Adoption from Foster Care Story
Hollie’s adoption from foster care story is unique. Not all adoption stories begin the same way. Some families foster with no intention of adopting. In Hollie Gray’s case, it started out as a journey to provide a safe and loving home for kids who needed it. But she soon discovers that adoption from foster care is right for her family. Here is Hollie’s story.
The Beginning
Hollie’s story begins as a fostering journey in April 2016. Hollie and her husband were foster parents to a set of siblings. After that experience, they were asked about another sibling set who needed to be moved from their current foster home. Hollie hesitated because she wasn’t sure if they would be ready again to foster. Despite the doubts and fears, they said yes because they knew that these kids needed them. After 8 months of fostering the siblings, they had the honor and privilege of adopting them on December 21, 2017.
New Normal
Hollie’s family was created through the path of adoption and without it, they wouldn’t have their kids. Hollie expresses “It might not have been the “normal” route, but sometimes the best things in life are extraordinary and don’t come to you the “normal” way.” The best experience for Hollie is just simply living daily life with them. She is in awe every single day by her kids and is proud to call them their own. Waking up knowing that these are their kids is one of the best feelings Hollie has.
For Those Considering Adoption from Foster Care
If you are considering adoption from foster care, Hollie advises that “there won’t ever be a “right” or “perfect” time. Saying yes the 2nd time definitely wasn’t the best time for us. It was one of the hardest, most grief driven, times in our lives but look at what we would have missed. The kids who were meant to be ours. Our kids. What are you missing by waiting? What kids are out there waiting for you to say yes? It’s not the easiest yes, but gosh, it will be one of your best yes’s. It was for us.”
Wrap Up
In conclusion, we’d like to thank Hollie for sharing your story! We hope that this inspires those who are contemplating the decision to foster to adopt. For those who are already in the process of fostering to adopt, Foster Love – Together We Rise offers free adoption day photography through our Framing Forever program. Click HERE for more information