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Team Building Strategy Tips to Make the Most of Your CSR Efforts

Team Building Strategy Tips to Make the Most of Your CSR Efforts

Learn how to make the most out of your team building with one simple addition. It is so easy you’d think we’d made up this solution! Rather than mulling around the typical team building trust fall and word association games, take it to the next level. Make your team building part of your CSR efforts with these team building strategy tips.

Start By Choosing a Charity

Well, the secrets are out now. How does one combine team building and charity? You need to select a charity that offers service projects that can be brought to your office or are local. This way you can work on something that impacts your community and allows your team to feel the results outside of work as well.

Pick a Service Activity That is Reasonable

Really think of the type of team you have before committing to a service project type. Are they outdoorsy types, creatives, great with solving problems? With so many types of service projects the options are endless. So before you start planting trees for eight hours or building houses, consider the best way to bring everyone together. So keep the collective in mind.

Be Realistic About Your Resources

Now that you’ve selected the type of service project you’d like to support think of how that day will look. Do you need help planning the day? Is this something small that will only take the time of the service project? Does everyone celebrate with lunch after? If you have someone in-house that can help you plan this, excellent! If not, consider pairing up with a charity that already does team building service projects. This way you are not spending resources or time in an area that is new.

Plan a Date and Go!

Now that the nitty gritty is sorted. Pick and date and get your team ready for some charitable team building. Not only are you helping the team grow, you are helping the community at large. Best of all, these team building strategy tips will help you make the most of things. Oh, and this is a tax-deductible team build. Everyone is a winner here!

Still Need Charitable Team Building Help

If you still don’t know where to start, please reach out to the Foster Love – Together We Rise team. We are experts in team building and are happy to help steer you in the right direction.

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