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Meet Becky Mercer a Champion for Children in Care

Becky Mercer Champion for Children

Meet Becky Mercer a Champion for Children in Care

Becky Mercer is a champion for children. There are currently over 430,000 children in care nationwide. To help increase awareness about the needs within the foster care community, Foster Love is chatting with Becky Mercer from Lonestar Social Services.

 Who is Becky Mercer?

Becky is a longtime advocate for children. She started working with Lonestar Social Services 3 years ago and is the Region 7 Supervisor and Administrator. Through her work with Lonestar Social Services, she is able to help place children in safe, loving environments.

To gain some insight into the foster care community, we asked Becky some hard-hitting questions. Here is what she had to say.

Q: Why do You Choose to Work with Children in Care?

Becky: I personally choose to work in the foster care community because I want to make a difference in these children’s lives. Sometimes the only love that they are shown is from the people within the community. If I can change the life of just one child, then I like to think that I am doing my part to help that child succeed in the future. After all, they are our future. It’s also about educating then foster and biological parents and providing them with services that may be needed to help them succeed with raising their children. I believe that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance, especially if they are given the proper resources and training to do so.

Q:  What are the Biggest Needs You have Identified within the Foster Care Community?

Becky: Definitely more awareness and need for foster homes. We also need to make the community more aware of the racial disparity in foster children placed in single-family homes versus group homes and treatment facilities.

Q: What Inspires You to Get Up and Work Every Day?

Becky: Knowing that there are children and families out in my area who need my help- what if I’m the only person that day who can help them? Where would these kids be if there weren’t people out there advocating for them? There are days when I don’t want to get up for whatever reason but I know that I have to because there are people counting on me.

Q: How can People Help Kids in Foster Care?

Becky: They can become a foster parent, become a mentor, volunteer their time, donate (money and/or goods), sign up to become a babysitter and/or respite provider because foster parents need breaks, too.

Q: What is the Greatest Thing You’ve Learned Since Working in the Foster Care Community?

Becky: I’ve learned that biology has absolutely nothing to do with one’s ability to love and care for a child. To open one’s home and heart to a child and give that child every opportunity; to ensure that the child is loved back to whole is an amazing feat of generosity.

Q: Any Advice for People Who Want to Become Foster Parents?

Becky: They need to remember that it’s challenging, at times but it is the most rewarding thing one can do.

In Conclusion

We appreciate Becky and all the work that Lonestar Social Services does. For those in Texas, please take the opportunity to see how you can get involved with Lonestar Social Services.

For those outside of Texas, Foster Love – Together We Rise offers support to foster youth nationwide. Join us HERE.

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