Minnesota Woman Sentenced for Murdering Foster Child
Kellie Jo Anderson, 36, is convicted of second-degree murder in the death of her 18-month-old foster child Henry. Henry’s placement with Anderson began in April 2019. Anderson told officers that she and her husband were in the process of adopting Henry last summer. This Minnesota Foster Child Murder Case has been called “heinous” and her family has testified, calling her “a monster.”
The Events of April 23, 2020
Court documents state that Henry arrived at Sanford Emergency Room on April 23, 2020, blue and lifeless. He had visible bruising on his face and head.
Anderson told the police that the child ‘self-injures’ himself, claiming Henry would throw himself around and not feel pain. She said that she gave him a bath around noon that day. Stating that the injuries on his mouth were self-inflicted and he ‘threw himself several times from the bath to the toilet.’ She believes Henry seized in the bathtub or right after the bath.
Anderson’s husband said he last saw the child the night before and did not notice any injuries on Henry.
Officers reported Henry’s injuries to include a cut on the inside of his lip, numerous bruises over his back, side, and face. They noted a small bump on the head, multiple marks on his face, and lacerations/injuries to his genitals.
This Case Can Only Be Described As Heinous
Initially, Anderson blamed drug use for the events that transpired in April 2020. She later pleaded guilty to the charges and the state asked Clay County Judge to consider giving Anderson a longer prison sentence due to the nature of the assault and Henry’s vulnerable status.
Clay County Judge Jade Rosenfeldt said “This case can only be described as heinous.”
Anderson is sentenced to 35 years in prison and must serve 23 years before she is considered for supervised probation.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, we are heartbroken over the loss of Henry. He deserved better and should be alive today. We continue to ask for oversight and reform within the foster care community.
Remember, people like Anderson are not the norm within foster care and their actions should be condemned. In spite of this Minnesota Foster Child Murder Case, we must highlight the good of foster parents and needs of foster children. Learn how you can get involved HERE.
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