Together We Rise is now

National Bike Month – Schwinn Partnership

National Bike Month- Schwinn Partnership

National Bike Month – Schwinn Partnership

May is not only National Foster Care Awareness Month but it is also National Bike Month. This is a very special month because it hits two things we love the most: helping foster youth and giving bikes to foster youth.

Foster Love – Together We Rise and Schwinn

Schwinn started their partnership with Foster Love – Together We Rise last summer for the Big Bike Build in Brea. Later that winter they held an event at Schwinn corporate building 200 bikes for local foster youth. In 2020 Schwinn became the exclusive provider of bikes for Foster Love – Together We Rise. Even with the current coronavirus outbreak, bikes are a welcome gift for transportation and exercise.

“Navigating the COVID-19/coronavirus outbreak, we have quickly adjusted our strategy to bring the necessary resources to impacted foster youth and families. With the help of Schwinn and our other supporters, we are gathering emergency resources to help provide: rent and utility assistance, food and other basic needs, transportation costs (fuel, insurance, etc.), childcare, medical and mental health expenses, and more,” said TWR Executive Director, Gianna Dahlia.

Why Bikes Matter

When you think about your childhood, do you remember learning how to ride a bike? Do you remember your neighborhood friends asking if you could come out and play? For many children riding a bike is their first taste of freedom. They control something during a time when they have a say in so little.

Our friends at Schwinn get this. They grew up and because of their love of bikes have made a career in the industry of making them. We want to give every child a chance to fall in love with bikes regardless of their personal histories.

Pacific Cycle President, Nando Zucchi, commented, “The work Foster Love – Together We Rise has been doing for children living in foster care is absolutely incredible. They’ve created a network which enables corporate giving events and dollars to impact local communities right away!”

In Conclusion

We want to thank Schwinn for their continued partnership during National Bike Month and beyond. If you want to sponsor a bike for a kid in foster care, use the link HERE.

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