Together We Rise is now

Nonprofit for Kids with JetBlue in New York

Nonprofit for Kids with JetBlue in New York

Nonprofit for Kids with JetBlue in New York

Nonprofit for kids Foster Love – Together We Rise and JetBlue have been partners in improving the lives of children in foster care for over half a decade. For National Philanthropy Month this year, we decided to do something we’ve never done before. On November 14th, we packed our bags and flew to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York for a service project like no other.

We brought 500 Sweet Cases along with us, which are duffle bags full of stuffed animals, blankets, hygiene kits, and toys to help kids in foster care transition to new homes. There was just one thing left to do before they could be donated to local foster agencies. The duffles still needed to be decorated.

To get all the duffle bags ready in time, we enlisted the help of everyone at the airport. From pilots and flight attendants to passengers and TSA workers, everyone was invited to help. A TSA canine even helped us sniff out the best Sweet Cases!

Hundreds of people showed up to help us make a difference in the lives of foster youth. All participants received cool JetBlue for Good tote bags. By the end of the event, all 500 Sweet Cases were beautifully decorated, filled with comfort items, and ready for donation.

We’re so grateful to JetBlue for working with us to make this event so successful. Giving hundreds of people the opportunity to do good in the world before flying off to their next destination. To learn more about our team building events in New York, click here.

To learn more about nonprofits for kids or how you can help out your local community, visit this page HERE.

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