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Provide Kentucky Kids in Foster Care a Stable Education

Kentucky Kids in Foster Care

Provide Kentucky Kids in Foster Care a Stable Education

New legislation to help provide Kentucky kids in foster care with stable educations. Like in many states, Kentucky kids in foster care struggle with their education. There are several reasons including varying placements, resulting in new homes and schools.

How to Provide Kentucky Kids in Foster Care with Stable Education

According to the Lexington Herald Leader, House Speaker Pro Tempore David Meade, R-Stanford, filed House Bill 312. This wide-ranging legislation requires caseworkers to visit or call the new school with the child and foster parents prior to starting. The rationale behind this is to ensure the correct academic information is provided to the new school. This helps the child enroll in the correct academic programs and gain access to special help if needed.

Lacking Basic Information

School officials cite a common occurrence when foster parents enroll children. They often don’t have basic information about the children, this includes where they last attended school. By involving the child’s social worker, it allows schools to have a clearer picture of the child’s needs. Meade states,

There is a very real commitment to doing all we can to give the children in our foster care system every opportunity to succeed. This bill provides educators the information they need to help these children transition into a new classroom. It will provide greater consistency, which we all know is critical to a child’s academic and emotional development.

Deficiencies within the Education

On statewide tests, children in foster care on average perform at rates 20% lower than children not in care. Under House Bill 312, the Kentucky Department of Education is responsible for streamlining enrollment processes. By expediting the transfer of documents, the child receives access to the correct courses and care. Consequently, this is currently not happening and statistically impacting children.

The bill also mandates new academic training for foster parents on how to support their child’s academic process. The enhanced information sharing brings much-needed hope to a group often overlooked.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we commend the state of Kentucky for its commitment to improving the lives of kids in care. Follow us for up to date information on foster care nationwide.

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