Rowland Heights Women’s Club Volunteers Supports New Mothers in Foster Care
At the core of any vibrant community lies a group of passionate individuals committed to making a difference. The Rowland Heights Women’s Club has always embodied this spirit with their mission of helping their community become a better place. Rowland Heights Women’s Club volunteers donated their time to help assemble Baby Bundles for new mothers and their babies.
These kits were filled with essential items such as baby clothes, bottles, formula, and toys to support mothers as they begin their caregiving journey.
The Impact of Volunteer Work for Foster Kids
The Rowland Heights Women’s Club is no stranger to community service and engagement. They support the Los Angeles Sheriff Department with Neighborhood Watch programs and help the Los Angeles County Fire Department with emergency preparedness. Just like Foster Love, they are dedicated to helping those in need, so it made perfect sense to join forces and help another community in need: new mothers in foster care.
This event shows how community groups like the Rowland Heights Women’s Club can step in and help in different ways. Their Baby Bundles will go a long way in supporting mothers who need a little extra help. This thoughtful act shows that those in the foster care system are not forgotten, and that they deserve to feel loved, safe, and cared for.
While Foster Love doesn’t have an official Baby Bundle initiative, we were able to coordinate with the Women’s Club members and make their incredibly impactful event possible. If you have an idea for a program we don’t offer yet, we’d love to hear from you!
A Shared Commitment to Care by Supporting Foster Families
At Foster Love, we believe that when communities come together, they can make a big difference. The Rowland Heights Women’s Club’s Baby Bundle event is a great example of this. The bundles they helped put together are not just practical gifts; they’re also a way to show mothers that they are supported. Having these supplies helps mothers feel more confident in taking care of their babies. It also shows foster children that they are loved and important.
The work the Rowland Heights Women’s Club has done with Foster Love is just another way they have addressed specific needs for their communities in need. This event allowed them to work together on a cause that is close to their hearts. It shows how important teamwork is when it comes to making a difference in people’s lives.
Building Stronger Communities Through Volunteerism
Small group volunteer activities, like the one organized with the Rowland Heights Women’s Club, can have a profound impact. When the group came together, they helped mothers and babies in need, further strengthening our sense of community. Their simple but powerful acts of kindness will make life a little easier for foster families.
The Rowland Heights Women’s Club’s dedication to helping others shows how much of an impact small groups can make. With their help, we’re able to provide support for children in foster care, making sure they feel loved and cared for. Thank you to our Rowland Heights Women’s Club volunteers!
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Opportunity For Activation Of ‘Ally Level’ Sponsorship During One Special Event Or Campaign: Foster Care Awareness Month (May), Back to School (Aug/Sep), Disney Days (May & Sept), Giving Tuesday (Nov)
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Opportunity For Activation Of ‘Champion Level’ Sponsorship During One Special Event Or Campaign: Foster Care Awareness Month (May), Back to School (Aug/Sep), Disney Days (May & Sept), Giving Tuesday (Nov)
Co-branded Video Of Live Check Presentation And Interview of ‘Champion Level’ Brand Representative
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2nd Partnership Video Emphasizing Impact Of Partnership
Table At Foster Love Gala
Featured As ‘Champion Level’ Sponsor On Foster Love Website & Annual Report
Opportunity For Activation Of ‘Superhero Level’ Sponsorship During One Special Event Or Campaign: Foster Care Awareness Month (May), Back to School (Aug/Sep), Disney Days (May & Sept), Giving Tuesday (Nov)
Co-branded Video Of Live Check Presentation And Interview of ‘Superhero Level’ Brand Representative
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2nd Partnership Video Emphasizing Impact Of Partnership
Table At Foster Love Gala
Featured As ‘Superhero Level’ Sponsor On Foster Love Website & Annual Report