Siblings are Better Together
Learning a Hard Truth on TV
Last October, Winter Melton sat watching the nightly news and saw a sweet familiar face. It was her young cousin Carly! Carly and her brother Kane spoke about their separation and foster placement. “I’d like to be adopted because we can be with a family instead of just going (to) homes and homes and homes,” Carly said in that October 2018 interview.
Her brother Kane spoke about wanting a home together, “Because she’s my sissy. (I love her) more than the universe.”
The news story shook Winter, Carly’s cousin.
Taking Action
Winter had no idea that Carly and Kane were in DHS custody. Years past since Winter last saw her cousins and did not know their living situation had gotten so bad.
“It just broke my heart when I didn’t know. I mean, I would have never let her get into DHS custody is I had known. I just love her, I love her like a daughter. I’ve always loved her,” Winter said.
The next day, Lance and Winter called DHS to adopt Carly and Kane. From there, things moved quickly. Carly and Kane moved in less than two months and the adoption became official in May.
“There’s a lot of people out there that say it’s really difficult. If you do what you’re supposed to do and you have good morals, it will come together,” Winter said to Oklahoma’s News 4.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, we believe that siblings are better together and thank the Milton’s for being open about their story. Check out the full interview at Oklahoma New 4. For those in the process of adopting Foster Love – Together We Rise offers free adoption day photography. Check out our Framing Forever program for more information.