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Siblings Searching for a Forever Family

Siblings Searching for a Forever Family

Four siblings are searching for a forever family. With more than 70% of siblings in care separated by different placements. One can see why these sweet children want a forever family quickly.

Who Are These Children?

The sibling set of four consists of Adarious, Jayonna, Douglass, and Jaycee. Adarious is the eldest at 13. He enjoys cooking, and playing sports, with football and basketball being his favorite. Jayonna is eleven, she loves to sing, dance, and play with her brothers. Like many children her age, her favorite time at school is lunchtime. She takes joy in playing and talking with friends.

Douglass is six years old and is an active child. He likes to play indoors or outdoors with his siblings. His favorite thing to play with is his toy cars. The youngest Jaycee age three is a fan of Paw Patrol and PJ Masks.

Together in a Forever Family

All four siblings are very close. Their bond continues to sustain them through their stay in foster care. We hope that they get their adoption wish to stay together adopted into a “no matter what” forever family. A family that is invested in being a part of their lives, offering consistency, support, love, and structure.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we are certain that there is a forever family waiting for these siblings. To learn more about these kids, call Adopt Kansas Kids at 877-457-5430 or send an email to [email protected]. Their case numbers are Adarious, CH-7632; Jayonna, CH-7633; Douglass, CH-7634; and Jaycee, CH-7635.

So, if you are interested in supporting kids in foster care but can not foster or adopt. Please consider becoming a volunteer with Foster Love – Together We Rise. We offer many opportunities to get involved as an individual, small group, or organization. Help kids as they wait for their forever homes HERE.

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