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The 2019 Year End Wrap Up

Woman in a holiday sweatshirt holding a bike

The 2019 Year End Wrap Up

Can you believe it?!?!? 2019 is over and we helped so many kids in foster care together! It is amazing to reflect on all of the wonderful people we’ve worked with and the projects we have accomplished. Since this is the 2019 end-of-the-year wrap-up, we want to talk about some of our favorite moments of 2019. Before we get too chatty let’s watch this video!

Getting the Austin Foster Love Center Ready, Yee-Haw!

The Foster Love Center is an exciting project we are working on. With an estimated open date of early spring, we spent 2019 preparing for the shift. Thanks to the help of our local Austin supporters the Foster Love Center continues to grow and evolve. What was once a warehouse full of trees and plants is now on its way to being a permanent resource to the Austin foster care community.

The Start of a Sch-winning Partnership

June brought a great event with the world-famous bike brand Schwinn at our Brea HQ. For months we worked together on planning a 100-plus bike build for kids in Brea. Since then we have visited their headquarters for an in-house event and have started a partnership with them through 2020 to celebrate their 125 years in business.

Disney Days are the Best Days

70% of children in care are in different placements than their siblings. To help ease support siblings, we host reunification events. The yearly event for us is at Disneyland. This year we reunited more siblings than ever. Our hearts are full joy reminiscing on the sea of happy faces shining back at us during the event.

Socktober was a Success

For the first time ever, we ran a donation centric campaign to help raise money to cover shipping costs. We shipped out over 83,000 pairs of Bombas socks to kids in foster care across the nation. It is amazing to know that people can get excited to help us deliver socks to kids. Socks are a staple!

Always Better Together

One of our big initiatives is helping siblings. Siblings are better together and we have now started a new Always Better Together campaign in our merch shop. Items that are Always Better Together go towards helping us host sibling reunification events. Hopefully, in 2020 we can help spread more awareness regarding sibling separations.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the 2019 year end wrap up show us how we continue to grow. It is inspiring to know that we have helped more than a quarter of the kids in care in a tangible way. Thank you for being part of that! Until next year~

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