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The Joy and Intimacy of a Virtual Adoption

The Joy and Intimacy of a Virtual Adoption

2020 brought on a lot of firsts. As everyone adjusted to make life in the pandemic work, so many daily things went virtual, including adoptions! Today we chat with Kasey Waterman about her family’s virtual adoption. While it may not have had a room full of friends, family, and co-workers. Their virtual adoption was a celebration of hope, love, and healing.

Q. How Did Your Adoption Journey Begin?

A. We became licensed to foster in November 2019. We are unable to have biological children and decided instead of spending money on another round of IVF we were going to foster and help kids who need a living place to live and give them a stable place to call home.

Q. When is Your Adoption Date?

A. 10/08/2020

Q. Please Share Your Virtual Adoption Experience With Us.

A. Our experience was kind of out of the norm. We were placed with our kids in November 2019 and adopted them in October 2020. It was done over Zoom and I wish we could have done it in person, but the day was very nice.

Q. What Is The Best Experience You’ve Had Through This Virtual Adoption Process?

A. What is the best experience you’ve had through this process? Helping our kids through their trauma. They are able to handle their emotions and they’ve grown so much as people and have gained so much academically. I see the difference we’ve made in their lives already.

Adopting them has been the best part though. We know they’re with us forever and they can finally breathe that they’re not going to be moved again and they’re in their forever home.

Q. How Has Your Life Changed Since You Started This Journey?

A. It completely changed. My husband and I were married with no kids and together for 12 years. We went from doing whatever we wanted to becoming parents to 2 full children overnight. Everything we do is for them and revolves around them instead of around us. That’s the way it should be and I wouldn’t change a thing. We love them so much and my heart is so full.

Q. Any Advice You’d Like To Share With People Choosing To Adopt?

A. Be open-minded. Understand that your family will be formed due to the loss of your child. If they’re babies or older kids there is still a loss. Join groups, talk to adoptees, read books on adoption, TBRI, and attachment so you know how best to help your kids.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we’d like to thank Kasey Waterman for talking to us about her family’s virtual adoption. It is amazing to see how love conquers all.

For those looking to build their forever family through foster care and adoption, check out our adoption calculator HERE.

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