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UCLA Bruin Athletic Council Partner Help Foster Youth

UCLA Bruin Athletic Council

UCLA Bruin Athletic Council Partner Help Foster Youth

Brentwood, CA –  UCLA Bruin Athletic Council partnered with Foster Love – Together We Rise for a community outreach project. The goal behind the project is to help replace trash bags with Sweet Case duffle bags to help foster youth. The service project took place at UCLA on the evening of December 4th, 2019. The student-athletes assembled and decorated 25 Sweet Case duffle bags in support of Los Angeles children in foster care.

Sweet Cases are duffle bags for foster children filled with a teddy bear, hygiene kit, and blanket. As children in foster care enter new homes, they are often given a trash bag to move their few belongings in. With the help of Foster Love – Together We Rise and their supporters Sweet Cases will continue to offer kindness and dignity by replacing trash bags in foster care nationwide.

Statement from UCLA Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, Ric Coy

Working with Foster Love – Together We Rise was super easy. They reached out to me. It really truly caught my eye just because of the story of foster kids. The idea of some of these children going into the foster program with just a garbage bag and their stuff in it. That is something that really hit me and caught my attention. I presented that to our Bruin Athletic Council and we voted on it and it was something we wanted to do. Of course, the next step is, how easy is this going to be to do. With time demands for students athletes and things along those lines. We didn’t know how it was going to work.

I was absolutely blown away with how simple it is to work with Foster Love – Together We Rise. We could have gone to them and they came to us. It was super easy to schedule, we did everything through email. Honestly, for any athletic program or professional team or anybody, you name it, I think this is a great cause and a very easy program to do.

Statement from Executive Director, Gianna Dahlia

With over 430,000 children in foster care, it is imperative that we as a community continue to support these children. We are humbled and inspired by the commitment to philanthropic good held by UCLA and their student athletics. Their endless hard-work and kind hearts embody values sought in our community leaders.


UCLA is proud of its comprehensive athletic program and heritage. The collective accomplishments of Bruin teams and athletes are testimony to the efforts of many dedicated and talented individuals: the student-athletes themselves, as well as coaches, administrators, and support staff. The athletic department also benefits from the strong support of faculty, students, alumni, and fans. As intercollegiate sports have become increasingly popular, we recognize our expanding role in the cultural and social profile of the campus. It is our challenge to represent the University with character while providing the student-athlete with a rewarding experience both academically and athletically.


Foster Love – Together We Rise is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to change the way children experience the foster care system in America. Through a network of individuals, corporate partners, hundreds of foster agencies, social workers, CASA advocates, and other groups Foster Love – Together We Rise is able to bring enriching programs to foster youth across the nation.

In Conclusion/Media Updates

In conclusion, we’d like to thank UCLA for their commitment to the community. Children in care greatly appreciate your kindness. We look forward to our next service project together to help foster youth. With almost half a million kids in care, they need everyone’s help.

For more media updates contact Foster Love – Together We Rise HERE.

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