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Volunteer Team Building Activities: Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Team Building

Volunteer Team Building Activities: Wells Fargo

Volunteer team building activities are important tools to keep your organization and employees refreshed. This week we drove out to Dallas to help Wells Fargo with a philanthropic team build. Wells Fargo prioritizes their corporate and social responsibility initiatives stating. “We know that our long-term success is directly linked to the success of our customers and the communities we serve. Through a combination of strategic relationships with local and national nonprofits, grants, volunteer activities, and other community investments, we’re creating solutions that help strengthen the communities in which we operate and grow local economies around the world.”Our new Austin office is about a three-hour drive away, so we took a mini road trip to indulge in seeing Texas. Once we arrived, we set up for the pending skateboard build. Our skateboard team building program resonates with a lot of people because they remember being young and learning to ride.
The Wells Fargo team was ecstatic to participate! Watching the teams organize themselves and assemble the boards brought joy to our hearts. It was awesome seeing the teams put on grip tape like pro skaters, motivated by the end goal. Together they built 75 brand new skateboards for children in foster care.
Our partners, Chosen Ones Foster & Adoptive Family Support in Dallas received the donation of all 75 skateboards. Their vision is, “that not one foster or adoptive family walks alone.” Now the children they help serve can enjoy a skateboard of their own.

Let us know if you’d like to help children in foster care with service-based volunteer team building activities. Check out how to get started here:

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