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Volunteer Team Building With Sigler

Volunteer Team Building With Sigler

Volunteer Team Building With Sigler

Volunteer team building is one of our favorite things to facilitate at our office in Brea, CA. We love educating people on the subject of foster care and help teams work through our service projects. This Thursday we had the pleasure of working with the Sigler team. This volunteer team building event with Sigler made a huge difference in the lives of the children Foster Love serves.

Who Is Sigler

Sigler is one of the largest carriers and distributors of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioner units (HVAC) in the world. They have been leaders in this space for decades. Headquartered in Phoenix, AZ,  their office employees from the Brea location joined us for this event. Their team is committed to helping the community through service projects. So our volunteer team building event was a win for them!

The Event

We held the event at our Brea headquarters. In preparation, we set up our events room with tables, snacks, and bikes for the team build. 43 of Sigler’s team members came to help us assemble 15 bikes for local kids in foster care. Together in teams, Sigler assembled 15 huffy bikes(5 beach cruisers and 10 mountain bikes). Some teams finished very quickly and proceeded to help out other teams having some trouble. This spirit of coming to each others aid was beautiful to see.
Since we are neighbors with the Sigler team, our events team gave them a special tour of the office. This included a fun trip down our office slide! AND a sneak-peek into our themed conference rooms.

In Conclusion

We are thankful to have such caring neighbors in the Sigler. Their kindness and excitement to work together is an inspiration. We look forward to our next team build together.
Does your corporate and social responsibility plan include team building? Let’s talk about how we can get both done with one tax-deductible service project HERE.

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