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Category: Foster System News

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As Society begins to Recover from COVID, Foster Children are Left Behind
As society recovers from COVID, foster children are left behind, facing instability, court delays, and homelessness...
Kellie Jo Anderson was sentenced to 35 years for the second-degree murder of her 18-month-old foster child...
Lawmakers Want Accountability After Death of Kansas Foster Child

Lawmakers demand accountability after the death of an autistic boy in Kansas state custody. On Tuesday the Kansas Reclector published...

Brandon Hoffman

Brandon Hoffman, 48, from Hutchinson Kansas, plead no contest on three counts of child abuse. The previous recipient of a...

Foster Parents Accused in Death of 4-Year-Old

Jacksonville foster parents of a 4-year-old boy who died in April were arrested in connection with his death. Alex Pino...

Kaylee Messerly

In March a mother, Kaylee Messerly, and her 3-year-old child were found with frostbite needing amputations. A second child, of...

adult man

North Dakota foster parent pleads guilty to the murder of 5-year-old Raven Thompson this Tuesday in federal court. Thompson was...

Foster Care Reform

A USA Today investigation reveals disturbing allegations of unreported abuse endured by children in Florida’s child welfare system. The report...

adult woman

One of the most concerning parts of the pandemic is the loss of visibility for children. Teachers, coaches, doctors, nurses,...

Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care

New research from the Field Center For Policy, Practice and Research at the University of Pennsylvania finds young adults aging...

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