• Feb. 5, 2020

    Foster to Adopt Process: Michaela’s Journey

    Foster to Adopt Process: Michaela’s Journey The foster to adopt process varies from family to family. In December of 2017, Michaela Kalisch and her husband received a call that would change their lives forever. The call notified them that two boys needed a home and the couple immediately knew the boys were going to be…

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  • 4Z3A9740
    Feb. 3, 2020

    Love Makes a Family: Support Foster Families

    Love Makes a Family: Support Foster Families Valentine’s Day is typically seen as a romantic holiday. A day full of chocolates, roses, and time spent with that special someone. While Foster Love - Together We Rise focuses on helping foster youth, we believe in the transversal properties of helping foster parents. This Valentine’s Day, we are showing our…

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  • Feb. 3, 2020

    How to Adopt from Foster Care: Amber’s Story

    How to Adopt from Foster Care: Amber’s Story How to adopt from foster care? For some, the decision to adopt can take years and for others, it can take seconds. From the young age of 15 Amber Davis she would adopt. Years later she married someone who had the same perspective about adoption as her.…

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  • Kentucky kids in foster care
    Jan. 31, 2020

    Provide Kentucky Kids in Foster Care a Stable Education

    Provide Kentucky Kids in Foster Care a Stable Education New legislation to help provide Kentucky kids in foster care with stable educations. Like in many states, Kentucky kids in foster care struggle with their education. There are several reasons including varying placements, resulting in new homes and schools. How to Provide Kentucky Kids in Foster…

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  • Jan. 31, 2020

    Volunteering on MLK Day: Texas Tech

    Volunteering on MLK Day: Texas Tech Volunteering on MLK Day is a great way to honor and support the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This January the Texas Tech staff and student-athletes came together to support kids in foster care with a Sweet Case build. More than a Federal Holiday MLK Day is…

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  • fostercare
    Jan. 30, 2020

    Growing Up in Foster Care: Ana’s Story

    Growing Up in Foster Care: Ana’s Story Growing up in foster care is a reality for thousands of youths in America. Today we were fortunate to chat with former foster youth and advocate Ana Felix about her experience. Ana spent 12 years in care in 13 different placements. As an adult, Ana makes advocacy a…

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  • Jan. 29, 2020

    Foster Care Stories: Tori Landis Martin

    Foster Care Stories: Tori Landis Martin Foster care stories vary from family to family. Tori Landis Martin and her husband had their small family of two more than doubled in December 2017. Their very first placement consisted of 3 siblings! In a matter of days, they went from taking care of only their needs to…

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  • Jan. 23, 2020

    Foster to Adopting Infants: Delora’s Journey

    Foster to Adopting Infants: Delora’s Journey Foster to adopting infants can be an intense journey. Life changed in an instant for Delora Beech and her husband. The trajectory of their entire lives changed over the course of one night. They received a call on the night of November 10, 2015, that they didn’t expect.  Opening…

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    Jan. 23, 2020

    Foster to Adopt Texas: Lisa’s Story

    Foster to Adopt Texas: Lisa’s Story Foster to adopt in Texas may be a different process from other states but the pull of love is always the same. Making the decision to foster children isn’t an easy one, especially for a single teacher. Lisa made the life-changing decision to become a foster parent back in…

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  • Image from iOS
    Jan. 22, 2020

    Team Building Games with Great Clips

    Team Building Games with Great Clips This week the Foster Love - Together We Rise team met up with Great Clips for fun team building games. As we continue our mission to help kids in foster care we’ve improved our team building service projects. The Great Clips team opted to partake in our classic Sweet Case duffle bag…

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  • Oregon’s Foster Care
    Jan. 22, 2020

    Oregon’s Foster Care in Overhaul

    Foster Care Overhaul in Oregon Consulting firm Alvarez and Marsal granted 3.5 million to overhaul Oregon’s foster care system. Thanks to Governor Kate Brown, a movement began in April 2019 to take action against the problems stemming from the Department of Human Services and the agencies that manage the state’s foster care system. Areas of…

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  • Jan. 21, 2020

    5 Reasons Why LGBTQA+ Identifying People Make Wonderful Foster Parents ⁣

    5 Reasons Why LGBTQA+ Identifying People Make Wonderful Foster Parents ⁣⁣ There are many strong opinions about what makes a family. We are firm believers in love being the truest factor. Children in care need many things but above all, they need a safe loving family. Today we chat with Jessi and Millie about love…

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  • Jan. 19, 2020

    Foster to Adopt Process: Becky

    Foster to Adopt Process: Becky Becky and her husband started the foster to adopt process back in 2015. They both knew that they wanted to be foster parents from the beginning. Becky was exposed to the different processes very early on. Her best friend in kindergarten was adopted and her friend’s parents also fostered their…

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  • 4Z3A9301
    Jan. 18, 2020

    STEM Saturday Launch

    STEM Saturday Launch There are some BIG things in the works. One of them being our new STEM initiatives. You may be wondering. What in the world is STEM? Well STEM is an anacronym for Science-Technology-Engineering-Math. Because children in care often struggle with school and lack of extracurricular activities we’ve started working on solutions. The…

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  • amy
    Jan. 16, 2020

    Adopt from Foster Care: Amy’s Story

    Adopt from Foster Care: Amy’s Story This week we hear from Amy about how to adopt from foster care. She shares her path to motherhood through her adoption story: As a 27-year-old single woman, adoption was Amy’s first choice. Her whole adult life consisted of getting herself ready for adopting one day. When 2013 came…

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  • family-2810999_1920
    Jan. 13, 2020

    Tennessee Expanding Paid Family Leave

    Tennessee Expanding Paid Family Leave Tennessee is expanding paid family leave. Sitting Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced a plan on Tuesday, January 7th to offer up to 12 weeks of paid annual family leave for state workers. This would be applicable for state workers who are experiencing varying events like parental leave, for birth, adoption,…

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  • neversay
    Jan. 12, 2020

    7 Things You Should Not Say To Aged Out Foster Youth

    7 Things You Should Not Say To Aged Out Foster Youth Growing up in foster care is not always easy. Imagine aging out and not having a familiar support system? Who do you call when you get sick? Who helps you open a bank account? How do you get an apartment? In this day and…

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  • Jan. 9, 2020

    6 Ways to Help Kids in Foster Care in 2020

    6 Ways to Help Kids in Foster Care in 2020 Happy 2020 everyone! We are sure you have some great goals you plan on crushing this year. We do too! Hopefully, in your 2020 plans, you have included being more active with your activism, helping your community, and doing more for kids in foster care.…

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    Jan. 8, 2020

    Foster to Adopt: Shantelle’s Story

    Foster to Adopt: Shantelle’s Story Foster to adopt, these stories vary greatly. Currently, there are 433,495 kids in foster care and 1,200 enter the system every single day. With this massive amount of children without parents, there is a need for families to open up their homes to foster or adopt. This is something that…

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  • hutton
    Jan. 7, 2020

    Foster Kids for Adoption: The Huttons

    Foster Kids for Adoption: The Huttons There are thousands of foster kids for adoption. Adopting a child of your own comes with a unique set of challenges. The process can consist of plenty of excitement, but also sadness. Overall, the joy that it gives to both the parents and child helps to overcome all obstacles.…

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  • Jan. 6, 2020

    Adoption Through Foster Care at Record High

    Adoption Through Foster Care at Record High Adoption through foster care is at a record high within the U.S. Many attribute this growth to the continued opioid crisis. But also to the efforts of states for promoting adoption through foster care. The Pew Trust reports that in 2018 more than 63,000 children in foster care…

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  • Screen Shot 2019-12-19 at 2.34.51 PM
    Dec. 29, 2019

    The 2019 Year End Wrap Up

    The 2019 Year End Wrap Up Can you believe it?!?!? 2019 is over and we helped so many kids in foster care together! It is amazing to reflect on all of the wonderful people we’ve worked with and the projects we have accomplished. Since this is the 2019 end of the year wrap up, we…

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  • Dec. 29, 2019

    2019 Self-Esteem Building Holiday Shopping Sprees

    2019 Self-Esteem Building Holiday Shopping Sprees Self-esteem building holiday shopping sprees are a part of our origin story. One of the first major campaigns we worked on was traveling around the U.S. giving teens in foster care access to pop-up shopping sprees. The reason we continue to raise funds and commitment to self-esteem building holiday…

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    Dec. 23, 2019

    Simple Team Building Activities with ZipRecruiter

    Simple Team Building Activities with ZipRecruiter We love simple team building activities! Especially ones that allow us to hang out with our friends at ZipRecruiter. As Foster Love - Together We Rise continues to grow, one area we always excel in is hosting fun and simple team builds. This week we were able to spend some time out…

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  • Dec. 22, 2019

    Instagram has a New Favorite Family

    Instagram has a New Favorite Family Instagram has a new favorite family for you to follow and they are beyond cute. Meet Luca Tranpanese, 41 and his daughter through adoption Alba. Their lives changed forever in July of 2017 when they said yes to their new family together. A Rough Start for Our Favorite Family…

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