• adopt america
    Aug. 5, 2019

    Adopt America: Rebecca’s Adoption Story

    Adopt America: Rebecca’s Adoption Story Adoption can be a long process, especially when looking to adopt in America. Everyone comes to this place at different times in their lives and in different ways. Passionate about fostering, Rebecca responded to the calling to welcome children into her home and to become a mother. This week, Rebecca shares…

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  • foster care help
    Aug. 3, 2019

    Foster Care Help: How You Can Get Involved

    Foster Care Help: Service Projects From Home Foster care help can come in many forms. The most direct way to offer support is to become a foster parent. Some could argue the most indirect support can come in financial support. All types of foster care support are imperative for the betterment of children in the…

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  • CSR Benefits
    July 31, 2019

    How To Propose CSR Benefits to Your Management

    How To Propose CSR Benefits to Your Management How to propose CSR benefits to your management team? Corporate and social responsibility is a hot topic with 93% of leaders agreeing that business should have a positive impact on society. So how do you start the process of incorporating CSR at your workplace? Well, first you…

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  • Team Building At Work
    July 30, 2019

    Team Building At Work With Hulu

    Team Building At Work With Hulu Team building at work is a great way to re-energize your team. If you want to take your team building to the next level and add a charitable component, you get even more on return. This week we had the pleasure of visiting the HULU team in San Antonio,…

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  • fostering to adoption
    July 29, 2019

    Fostering to Adopt a Sister Story

    Fostering to Adopt a Sister Story Fostering to adopt impacts everyone in the family, including older siblings. Today we chat with Kandis, a Chicago native, about her experience with the fostering to adopt process as a sister. Her parents adopted two children before their mother passed from ovarian cancer. Because of this great loss, Kandis stepped…

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  • How does foster to adopt work
    July 27, 2019

    How Does Foster to Adopt Work: Taylor’s Story

    How Does Foster to Adopt Work: Taylor’s Story How does foster to adopt work? Today Taylor shares her foster to adopt story with us. In the Beginning Taylor and her family began to foster in August of 2016. “We became foster parents because we saw a huge need in our community. Our state had 10% of America’s…

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  • volunteer team building
    July 24, 2019

    Volunteer Team Building With Sigler

    Volunteer Team Building With Sigler Volunteer team building is one of our favorite things to facilitate at our office in Brea, CA. We love educating people on the subject of foster care and help teams work through our service projects. This Thursday we had the pleasure of working with the Sigler team. Who Is Sigler…

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  • Foster Care Support
    July 23, 2019

    Foster Care Support: National Parents’ Day

    Foster Care Support: National Parents’ Day Foster care support is important especially to foster families. Often times foster parents are given placements with no notice and they happily open their homes. On Tuesday, July 16th we held an in-house volunteer event in honor of National Parents’ Day. What Is National Parents’ Day? National Parents’ Day…

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  • adoptionprocess
    July 22, 2019

    Foster To Adopt Process: Amber’s Story

    Foster To Adopt Process: Amber’s Story The foster to adopt process varies from person to person, here is a look at Amber’s Story. Amber, who is a mother as well as a foster/ adoption advocate, shares her heartwarming adoption story with us. Where It All Began Amber’s adoption journey began in January 2014. “I was at…

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  • Total CSR
    July 19, 2019

    Activate Your Total CSR Plan Today

    Activate Your Total CSR Plan Today Activate your total CSR plan today. Corporate and social responsibility (CSR) is one of the hottest topics in business. It stems from the idea that businesses are a part of the community, therefore, they are also responsible for investing in the greater good of said community. Oftentimes people over-complicate…

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  • CSR is
    July 17, 2019

    Celebrating 11 Years As A Children’s Non Profit

    Celebrating 11 Years As A Children’s Non Profit Foster Love - Together We Rise is celebrating 11 years as a children’s non profit. This is an amazing feat that would not be possible without our amazing volunteers and staff! We started off as just a couple of college kids trying to make a difference in the lives of…

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  • Giving Back to the Community
    July 17, 2019

    Giving Back to the Community with Macy’s

    Giving Back to the Community with Macy’s Giving back to the community with Macy’s team in Brea, CA. We are fortunate to have the support of so many corporations who care about their community. Macy’s is an iconic brand and their store is still the flagship of the local Brea Mall. Why Macy’s Invests in…

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  • unnamed (4)
    July 16, 2019

    Foster Care Adoption Process

    Foster Care Adoption Process: Lindsey’s Journey The foster care adoption process is not always simple. So to shed some light on it Foster Love - Together We Rise shares real stories from parents that have recently gone through the process. This is helpful as you get a first hand account of all of the joys and challenges of…

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  • Volunteer Opportunities for Team Building
    July 14, 2019

    Volunteer Opportunities For Team Building

    Volunteer Opportunities For Team Building Volunteer opportunities for team building are endless with Foster Love - Together We Rise. Groups can choose to do them anywhere with our programs! So it’s a nice change when we host volunteer opportunities for team building in house. This Saturday the 13th was one of those days. Varying Team Building As a…

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  • adoption
    July 12, 2019

    Rebecca’s Foster Care to Adoption Story

    Every foster care to adoption story is different. Today we share Rebecca’s family journey through the system. On May 28th, 2019 Rebecca and her family formally adopted their son Aaron right before his 18th birthday. Why Foster Care to Adoption? As individuals and as a couple, Rebecca and her husband agreed they’d one day adopt…

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  • adoption guidance
    July 10, 2019

    Adoption Guidance: Michelle’s Foster Story

    Adoption Guidance: Michelle’s Foster Story Adoption guidance is often hard to find. The laws vary from county to county, state to state. So, one of the best ways to learn when looking to adopt is from people who are open to sharing their experiences. Navigating the foster system as a foster parent is not always…

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  • fun team building
    July 6, 2019

    4 Fun Team Building Activities

    4 Fun Team Building Activities Fun team building activities shouldn’t be too difficult to find. Right? WRONG! For some reason, companies are still booking banquet halls to hold trust falls. What year is this, 1985? Don’t fret. If you’ve been feeling like your approach to team building has gotten stale; we are here to help.…

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  • Untitled
    July 3, 2019

    PIMCO Corporate Team Build

    PIMCO Corporate Team Build PIMCO sponsored a corporate team build with Foster Love - Together We Rise. Every year PIMCO’s staff comes together to give back to their local communities across the US. They have a strong culture supported by corporate and social responsibility efforts. Why Invest in Corporate Team Building? PIMCO as an organization believes that it…

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  • fostering
    July 1, 2019

    Foster to Adopt: Minisode 1

    Fostering to Adopt Minisode 1 Foster Love - Together We Rise gets a lot of questions from our readers and community, a majority about the foster to adopt the process. Unfortunately, our knowledge of specific aspects of the foster care adoption process is limited. We are not an adoption agency. However, with the help of interviews from our…

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  • CSR matters
    June 28, 2019

    CSR Matters, Especially If You’re A Millennial

    CSR Matters, Especially If You’re A Millennial CSR matters, especially if you’re a millennial. By the year 2025, 75 percent of U.S. workers will be Millennials. (Dun dun Dunn!) That is a whole lot of avocado toast loving people. Let’s start by acknowledging that the term “Millennial” is more often than not, met with negative…

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  • Family Fellowship
    June 19, 2019

    Congrats Family Fellowship Scholar Taylor

    Congrats Family Fellowship Scholar Taylor We are extremely proud of our Family Fellowship Scholar Taylor! This spring she graduates from the University of California Irvine with a degree in Biology. Taylor is a recipient of our first Family Fellowship cohort. The Family Fellowship is the largest scholarship program for current and former foster youth in…

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  • foster care adoption
    June 19, 2019

    Julie’s Foster Care Adoption Story

    Julie’s Foster Care Adoption Story The foster care adoption journey is not always a road easily traveled, but despite the difficulty, helping children in need of a home, and love is well worth the possible challenges. This week, Julie, a mother and foster advocate, shares her life-changing adoption journey with Foster Love - Together We Rise. Beginning of…

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  • Jen Lilley’s Adoption
    June 18, 2019

    Jen Lilley’s Adoption Story

    Last week we helped photograph Jen Lilley’s adoption. The name Jen Lilley may sound familiar because she is one of Hallmark Channel’s stars. Jen and her husband Jason Wayne are ecstatic to officially adopt their son Kayden. They are now parents of two and currently pregnant with child number three. Adoption Ceremony We met Jen…

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  • Foster Father
    June 11, 2019

    Foster Father Shares His Journey

    Foster Father Benjamin Shares His Adoption Journey Foster Father Benjamin, a father of 7, shares his inspiring fostering-to-adoption experience with Foster Love - Together We Rise. Every family’s foster to adoption is different, some start with the goal of adoption. Other’s have opened their hearts so fully as foster parents that they can’t continue without making their temporary family…

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  • Company Team Building
    June 10, 2019

    Company Team Building With Kilroy Realty

    Company Team Building With Kilroy Realty Company team building is an important tactic used to inspire positive corporate culture. Unfortunately, some people still think that company team builds should be a weekend retreat with motivational speakers and “trust fall” activities. Thankfully, there are organizations like Kilroy Realty that recognize the benefit of making team building…

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