• Kaylee-Messerly
    April 26, 2021

    How Can We Prevent the Unwarranted Death of a Child

    How Can We Prevent the Unwarranted Death of a Child In March a mother, Kaylee Messerly, and her 3-year-old child were found with frostbite needing amputations. A second child, of 18 months old was found dead due to accidental hypothermia. The arrest warrant for Messerly quotes a physician describing the frostbite as the worst case…

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  • Shein x TWR_3
    April 8, 2021

    Announcing SHEIN and Together We Rise’s Partnership

    Announcing SHEIN and Foster Love - Together We Rise’s Partnership Foster Love - Together We Rise is excited to announce our partnership with SHEIN aimed at transforming the lives of at-risk youth in foster care. Through this partnership, SHEIN is bringing hope, comfort, confidence, and essential resources to youth that are too often overlooked and forgotten by the public. Ongoing Efforts…

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  • fosterparent
    April 1, 2021

    North Dakota Foster Parent Pleads Guilty to Murder

    North Dakota Foster Parent Pleads Guilty to Murder North Dakota foster parent pleads guilty to the murder of 5-year-old Raven Thompson this Tuesday in federal court. Thompson was in foster care at the time of her death and died on May 6th, 2020. One of the foster parents accused of Thompson’s murder pleaded guilty to…

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  • reformnow
    March 30, 2021

    Foster Care Reform is Needed NOW

    Foster Care Reform NOW A USA Today investigation reveals disturbing allegations of unreported abuse endured by children in Florida’s child welfare system. The report claims to review nearly 5,000 calls to the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) abuse hotline from educators, health care professionals, daycare workers, neighbors, and others regarding the treatment of children…

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    Feb. 12, 2021

    Concerned Teacher Saves Child From Abusive Home

    Concerned Teacher Saves Child From Abusive Home One of the most concerning parts of the pandemic is the loss of visibility for children. Teachers, coaches, doctors, nurses, are all mandated reporters and help alert when they notice something is off. This week in Newark, New Jersey the police discover a child in foster care padlocked…

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  • forever family
    Jan. 20, 2021

    A Pandemic Can’t Stop Our Forever Family

    A Pandemic Can’t Stop Our Forever Family It is remarkable to think we are almost a full year into the pandemic. We are 10 long months into a new norm of isolation, work from home, and InstaCart groceries. Yet a pandemic can’t stop love and for Meagan Yost, the pandemic can’t stop her forever family…

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  • Jan. 20, 2021

    The Joy and Intimacy of a Virtual Adoption

    The Joy and Intimacy of a Virtual Adoption 2020 brought on a lot of firsts. As everyone adjusted to make life in the pandemic work, so many daily things went virtual, including adoptions! Today we chat with Kasey Waterman about her family’s virtual adoption. While it may not have had a room full of friends,…

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  • img_8595_copy
    Dec. 4, 2020

    Smile Direct Club Partners to Help Kids in Foster Care

    Smile Direct Club Partners to Help Kids in Foster Care SmileDirectClub partnered with Foster Love - Together We Rise in an effort to help kids in care build their confidence. Foster youth face countless obstacles and building self-esteem is one front that is a constant struggle for many. This October our friends at SmileDirectClub reached out and asked…

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  • domestic adoption
    Nov. 17, 2020

    Domestic Adoption is Possible Through Foster Care

    Domestic Adoption is Possible Through Foster Care Domestic adoption is often viewed as costly and complicated. But through foster care, a domestic adoption is possible and free in almost all 50 states. Today we chat with Allison Vick Spillman about how she grew her family with domestic adoption through foster care. Q. When did You Start…

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  • Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 3.17.26 PM
    Oct. 30, 2020

    Safer at Home Holiday Stockings Are Here!

    Safer at Home Holiday Stockings are Here! Safer at Home Holiday Stockings are here! Many of you understand the difficulties of COVID, at Foster Love - Together We Rise we are ever more committed to bringing help to foster children, especially during this Holiday season. It is a simple way for people to get involved and give back…

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    Oct. 23, 2020

    Our Friends at Sticker Mule

    Our Friends at Sticker Mule The Foster Love - Together We Rise Crew is always so grateful to have friends in many organizations including Sticker Mule! As a nonprofit, we are constantly looking for ways to share our message with the community. Advocacy is the way to changing minds, hearts, and reforming the foster care system at large.…

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  • teenandtodler
    Oct. 20, 2020

    The Joy of Adopting a Teen and a Toddler

    The Joy of Adopting a Teen and a Toddler There is endless joy in adopting a teen but image adopting both a teen and a toddler at the same time! This is exactly what our friend Katie Irlene did to complete her forever family. Becoming a Foster Mom Katie started her journey in January of…

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  • Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 8.35.34 AM
    Oct. 13, 2020

    Giving Back Boxes are Here!

    Giving Back Boxes are Here! Giving Back Boxes are here again! Some of you may be familiar with a Foster Love - Together We Rise tradition, the Giving Back Box. It is a simple way for people to get involved and give back to children in foster care. How Does it Work? The Giving Back Box, also know…

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  • giphy
    Oct. 9, 2020

    6 Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

    6 Ways to Give Back During the Holidays Giving back during the holidays doesn’t have to be canceled! 2020 has taken so much but one thing it can’t stop are the do-gooders of the world. Here is a quick guide to ways you can still give back during the holidays. 1. Pass on Gifts One…

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  • fostercarereuni
    Oct. 8, 2020

    Fact: The Primary Goal of Foster Care is Family Reunification

    Many people struggle with accepting the primary goal of foster care is family reunification. We recently posted a graphic on our social with this fact and boy did people have something to say. We want to make sure that people understand that SAFE family reunification is the goal. The website Child Welfare Information Gateway finds…

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  • Together We Rise VM Screenshot (1)
    Oct. 6, 2020

    Virtual Team Building with Verizon Media

    Virtual Team Building with Verizon Media Virtual team building is a great way to keep your team engaged and active. This past week we had a great time working with Verizon’s Media team on a Safer at Home Community Service Project. Since the start of the pandemic, so many people have felt disconnected and isolated,…

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  • pexels-ekaterina-bolovtsova-4049990
    Oct. 5, 2020

    What is Virtual Team Building?

    What is Virtual Team Building? You may be hearing a lot about virtual team building. In a time when staying socially distant is important not only for the health of your family but for others. How do you plan on staying connected in the office while still maintaining your safety? One innovative way people have remained safe and connected is by participating…

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  • journeyoffosterparent
    Oct. 2, 2020

    The Journey of Being a Foster Parent

    The Journey of Being a Foster Parent The journey of being a foster parent varies from person to person. Most people become foster parents because they want to help children in their community. But often these journies don’t stop there! Today we chat with Amber Simarro about her experience being a foster parent turned forever…

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  • IMG_2260
    Oct. 1, 2020

    Girl Scouts Help with Safer At Home Service Project

    Girl Scouts Help with Safer At Home Service Project The Girls Scouts are longtime supporters of Foster Love - Together We Rise and since COVID many troops have completed a Safer at Home Service Project. You might be wondering, what is a “Safer at Home Service Project” is. Well, since COVID we have had to get creative with…

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  • Oct. 1, 2020

    Suicide Prevention Needed Within Foster Care

    Suicide Prevention Needed Within Foster Care Suicide prevention is an important and very prevalent topic of conversation currently. Obviously, 2020 has brought to light many of the cracks within the foster care system. One area of concern is mental health support for foster youth and their families.  With mental health being difficult to immediately identify,…

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  • Screen Shot 2020-09-25 at 10.34.34 AM
    Oct. 1, 2020

    Socktober is Here Again!

    Socktober is Here Again! Socktober is here again! It is incredible to think that one year ago we launched our first Socktober campaign EVER! It was a great success thanks to our supporters and agency partners nationwide. What is Socktober? Some of you may be wondering, what in the world is Socktober? Well, let us…

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  • giphy1
    Sept. 28, 2020

    7 Ways to Host a Fun Team Building Event on Zoom

    7 Ways to Host a Fun Team Building Event on Zoom Hosting a fun team building event is hard under the best of circumstances. Now that many organizations are staying remote through the end of 2020 we have to think of even more creative ways to stay connected. The Foster Love - Together We Rise team are experts…

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  • whynotbeafosterparent
    Sept. 25, 2020

    Why Not Be A Foster Parent?

    Why Not Be A Foster Parent? Why not be a foster parent? When it comes to the current state of foster care, there is a huge need for foster parents. Children deserve a safe home, so what is holding you back from being a foster parent? Today we chat with Kayla Brooke about her longterm…

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  • Sept. 25, 2020

    Gay Adoption is Beautiful: Love Makes a Family

    Gay Adoption is Beautiful: Love Makes a Family Gay adoption is beautiful and the sexual orientation of the parents doesn’t make them less or more worthy of having a loving family. Today we speak with Nick Peters Bond about how he and his husband Michael fostered to adopt their daughter. Check out our conversation about…

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  • updatedblog
    Sept. 25, 2020

    ALERT! Survey Finds Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care Impacted the Worst

    ALERT! Survey Finds Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care Impacted the Worst New research from the Field Center For Policy, Practice and Research at the University of Pennsylvania finds young adults aging out of foster care impacted the worst during the pandemic. These findings come to no surprise to the Foster Love - Together We Rise team.…

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