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How to Adopt from Foster Care: Amber’s Story

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How to Adopt from Foster Care: Amber’s Story

How to adopt from foster care? For some, the decision to adopt can take years and for others, it can take seconds. From the young age of 15 Amber Davis she would adopt. Years later she married someone who had the same perspective about adoption as her. After 3 years of marriage, to her husband, they decided to become licensed foster parents in 2012.

How to Adopt from Foster Care- Receiving the Call

Amber needed a hysterectomy, which would eliminate the option for her to become pregnant. Although it was a tough choice, Amber knew that somehow she would still be able to become a Mom. Ten days after the surgery, while she was recovering at her parents’ house, she received a call. The call that changed Amber’s life forever! It brought her the opportunity to take care of three little sisters. She immediately fell in love with them after speaking with them over the phone.

Right after getting off the phone, she convinced her brother to take her back home to meet the girls that same day. Despite still being in recovery Amber found the strength to get up and check any noise she heard because pure excitement filled her. The girls finally arrived in the evening and from the start, they knew they’d come home. They rushed right into Amber’s lap and called her Mommy!

Becoming a Single Parent

Unfortunately, a year later Amber Davis and her husband filed for divorce. Despite now being a single mom Amber went forward with the adoption paperwork. She also participated in counseling with her daughters. Amber knew that they had been through a lot and wanted to make sure that they felt safe.

Two resources helped Amber transition into parenthood. The first being the Trust-Based Relational Interactions and being a part of the foster/adoptive parents community. She had an idea of what to expect once she became a foster parent but never really knew until she became one. Seeking the help of others in a similar situation can help answer any tough questions.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we want to thank, Amber Davis, for sharing her experience of how to adopt from foster care. If you’re in the process of fostering to adopt, Foster Love – Together We Rise also offers free adoption day photography through our Framing Forever program. Click HERE for more information!

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