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Category: Foster System News

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group of kids wearing facemask
COVID turned the world upside down, and that includes the foster care system...
adventure baby beautiful blue eye

June is National Reunification Month. The main goal of foster care is reunification. Based on the national median, 69.2% of...

Foster Youth Graduate from College

Only 3% of foster youth graduate from college. This is not only alarming but detrimental when those same young people...

boy in brown hoodie carrying red backpack

What will school look like when returning from COVID? This is a question on many parents’ minds. As states begin...

Georgia’s Foster Youth Graduation Rates Increase

Despite the pandemic, Georgia’s foster youth graduation rates increase. Sadly, the high school graduation rates among foster youth is low....

Pop star Pia

Pop star Sia, adopts two teens aging out of foster care. The 44 year old Australian singer talked about her...

Foster Care Awareness Month 2020

Foster Care Awareness month is in May. This year things are strange, with the COVID-19 outbreak and everyone practicing social...

COVID Causes an Increased Need for Foster Families

The COVID outbreak causes an increased need for foster families. We have been following the call from several states including...

Boy sitting on bed

COVID shut down limits visitations from biological parents to their children in care. Obviously, each state, county, and foster agency...

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