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    April 22, 2020

    Tour SoCal Museums for Free During COVID

    Tour SoCal Museums for Free During COVID Tour SoCal museums for free during COVID. With everything closed, everyone’s home, it is getting harder to experience new things. So how are you bidding your time on lockdown? Netflix? Take a break from the typical and take some digital tours of some of the best museums in…

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    April 21, 2020

    COVID Causes an Increased Need for Foster Families

    COVID Causes an Increased Need for Foster Families The COVID outbreak causes an increased need for foster families. We have been following the call from several states including Texas, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Georgia, to name a few. The full scope of damage COVID is causing in the foster care community is only starting.…

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    April 20, 2020

    COVID Shut Down Limits Visitations from Biological Parents

    COVID Shut Down Limits Visitations from Biological Parents COVID shut down limits visitations from biological parents to their children in care. Obviously, each state, county, and foster agency have varying policies. But many biological parents are no longer able to see their children for visitations due to safer at home restrictions. Destabilizing Support The purpose…

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  • April 16, 2020

    A Drop in Child Abuse Reporting During COVID-19 is Deceitful

    A Drop in Child Abuse Reporting During COVID-19 is Deceitful Many counties and states are saying there is a drop in child abuse reporting since the COVID-19 outbreak. We want to stress that this drop is very misleading and troublesome. The LAist reported that since mid-March, L.A. County has seen a 40-60% decrease in the…

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  • joyofadopting
    April 16, 2020

    The Joy of Adopting Through Foster Care

    The Joy of Adopting Through Foster Care Today we chat with Arthur about the joy of adopting through foster care. His foster care adoption journey started with their first son, Jordan on November 9th, 2017. But before it was official, Arthur’s family went on a foster care adventure. The Beginning of Adopting Through Foster Care…

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    April 15, 2020

    California Leads the way in Foster Care Support During COVID-19

    California Leads the way in Foster Care Support During COVID-19 California leads the way in foster care support during COVID-19 outbreak. Governor Newsom announced a new project investing $42 million to protect foster youth and their families. This is part of Newsom’s plan to help vulnerable populations impacted by the coronavirus. $42 Million in Foster…

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    April 14, 2020

    5 Simple Ways to Self-Care During the Outbreak

    5 Simple Ways to Self-Care During the Outbreak Things don’t seem to be getting easier and self-care during the outbreak is so important. Many people are managing a huge shift away from their regular life. So how does one practice self-care during the outbreak? What does self-care even look like when you’re in a house…

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  • April 10, 2020

    Foster to Adopt Ohio: Kate’s Story

    Foster to Adopt Ohio: Kate’s Story Kate Wehnes and her family began their foster to adopt Ohio journey right after Kate graduated college. She went through the training and in 2012 the family began fostering. At first, the family only participated in respite care. That means that they never really had a long-term placement. They…

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    April 10, 2020

    Adopting as a Single Parent- Lisa’s Story

    Adopting as a Single Parent- Lisa’s Story Adopting as a single parent may seem like a choice full of obstacles and challenges. For Lisa Ho, she decided that being single and fostering had to be a part of her journey. She took the step most won’t and it changed her life for the better.  Becoming…

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    April 8, 2020

    Texas Anticipates an Increased Need for Foster Families After COVID-19 Outbreak

    Texas Anticipates an Increased Need for Foster Families After COVID-19 Outbreak Some Texas groups anticipate an increased need for foster families after the COVID-19 outbreak subsides. There is a concern that the numbers of neglected and abused children will mount because of the pandemic. In anticipation, many foster agencies are calling for more families to…

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    April 7, 2020

    4 Ways to Help Your Children Cope with COVID-19

    4 Ways to Help Your Children Cope with COVID-19 Finding ways to help your children cope with COVID-19 can be difficult. Not all children are anxious or the same age. How does one explain such a complex issue without causing trauma? Here are our top 4 tips to help your children cope with COVID-19. 1.…

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    April 6, 2020

    DIY Cloth Face Masks Tutorial

    DIY Cloth Face Masks Tutorial Many cities are moving to enforce face masks in public. Many people are wondering, where can you find a mask when they are scarce? Today Foster Love - Together We Rise will walk you through making your own DIY face mask at home! But first, mask safety! How to Wear a DIY Face…

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    April 4, 2020

    A Legacy of Foster to Adopt Montana

    A Legacy of Foster to Adopt Montana Some people are exposed to the foster care system early on in life just like Shana Smith. At the age of 16, Shana’s family decided to start fostering. When she turned 19 her parents finished the process of adopting her brother. She saw first-hand what the process consisted…

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  • April 3, 2020

    How Former Foster Youth Navigate the COVID-19 Outbreak

    How Former Foster Youth Navigate the COVID-19 Outbreak As the pandemic continue we wonder how former and current foster youth are managing. The COVID-19 outbreak is impacting everyone, especially vulnerable groups. As we work towards reducing the spread, we are interviewing former foster youth about their experience. This week we speak with Sara S. a…

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  • April 2, 2020

    Foster to Adoption LA- The Smith Family

    Foster to Adoption LA- The Smith Family Foster to adoption in LA can take time. Children in the foster care system deserve more than what the system can provide for them. They all deserve a safe, supportive, loving home. The Smith family recognized this injustice and decided to try to help the best way they…

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  • March 30, 2020

    COVID-19 Court Closures Impacting Foster Youth

    COVID-19 Court Closures Impacting Foster Youth COVID-19 court closures are impacting foster youth on several levels as people across America are taking efforts to reduce the spread of the COVID-19/coronavirus. A practice currently in place in California and other states is the “Safer at Home” initiative. With this practice, many places of work continue to…

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  • March 27, 2020

    Struggles with Fertility Turn into Foster Care Adoption Joy

    Struggles with Fertility Turn into Foster Care Adoption Joy After years of struggling with fertility, Teri and her husband turned to foster care. In February of 2015 they became licensed foster parents. Teri herself had been adopted at a very young age. The couple knew that they eventually wanted to adopt siblings. On their 10th…

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  • March 25, 2020

    Foster Youth Fighting the Coronavirus

    Foster Youth Fighting the Coronavirus As the coronavirus outbreak continues we wanted to share how foster youth is impacted. Today we spoke with one of our Family Fellowship scholars Bryanna about her experience helping fight the coronavirus in Detroit, MI. Some Insight on Bryanna We meet Bryanna when she became part of our Family Fellowship…

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  • March 24, 2020

    4 Ways to Team Build Through Telecommunication

    4 Ways to Team Build Through Telecommunication How does your work team build through telecommunication? The work norm for many companies, including Foster Love - Together We Rise, just took a hard shift. Our in house team of 30 people is now working from home indefinitely. We now are internally dependent on technology to communicate. So how does…

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  • March 23, 2020

    7 Fun Activities for Kids at Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak

    7 Fun Activities for Kids at Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak With the kids at home during the coronavirus outbreak, life is feeling tense. The health and wellbeing of foster children is our number one priority as an organization. We send our deepest condolences to those families impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. With so much…

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    March 20, 2020

    5 Ways COVID-19/Coronavirus is Impacting Foster Youth

    5 Ways COVID-19/Coronavirus is Impacting Foster Youth As we continue to experience the uncertainty of the COVID-19/Coronavirus. We must consider how it impacts a group that so often goes unheard and unseen. Foster youth. As longtime advocates for current and aged-out foster youth, we want to bring to light some of the immediate ways COVID-19/Coronavirus…

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  • March 19, 2020

    Be an Advocate for Foster Youth During the COVID-19 Outbreak

    Be an Advocate for Foster Youth During the COVID-19 Outbreak Be an advocate for foster youth during the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak. This is our biggest ask to our supporters and beyond. Foster youth are a vulnerable group, they are unseen and often unheard. Here are some ways to advocate for foster youth during this uncertain time.…

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  • fostercareadoption
    March 18, 2020

    Becoming Parents Through Foster Care

    Becoming Parents Through Foster Care Back in 2016, Ami Woodyard and her husband began the journey of becoming parents through foster care. They decided that they wanted to grow their family further. If a child in their care needed someone to fight for them then they knew they could step in and help. They had…

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  • ink
    March 18, 2020

    Adopting a Teen Through Foster Care

    Adopting a Teen Through Foster Care Adopting a teen through foster care is not a common story. This week we chat with Crystal Ivy and her husband about their experience adopting a teen through foster care. Crystal Ivy and her husband are longtime foster parents. They relocated from Alaska to Michigan in support of Crystal’s…

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    March 16, 2020

    JetBlue is Helping Foster Youth with Travel

    JetBlue is Helping Foster Youth with Travel JetBlue is helping foster youth with travel home during the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak. To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 college campuses nationwide have closed. This includes closing dorms and student housing. Sadly, this is impacting students who are former foster youth. How JetBlue is Helping Foster Youth There…

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