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    March 14, 2020

    Fertility Struggles Turn Into Adoption Hope

    Fertility Struggles Turn Into Adoption Hope For many, fertility struggles turn into adoption hope. This week we chat with Paige D’arpini about her choice to foster to adopt. Growing A Family Starting a family is a huge decision and it can be accomplished through a number of ways. Paige D’arpini and her husband decided they…

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  • March 14, 2020

    West Virginia Senate Passes Foster Care Bill

    West Virginia Senate Passes Foster Care Bill West Virginia Senate Passes Foster Care bill. The bill allows foster parents who adopt children with special needs may soon get more money. As part of the wide-ranging proposal passed Friday by the West Virginia Senate to reduce the state’s overburdened foster care system. Bi-Partisan Vote Moves The…

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    March 13, 2020

    Important Coronavirus COVID-19 Foster Youth Update

    Important Coronavirus COVID-19 Foster Youth Update To All Our Supporters, We are aware of the ongoing issues regarding the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak and the challenges it brings for all of us. Our team at Foster Love - Together We Rise expresses deep sympathy for all those who may be affected by the virus. The health and safety of the…

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  • March 13, 2020

    How Does Foster Care Adoption Work?

    How Does Foster Care Adoption Work? Some wonder, how does foster care adoption work? This week we chat with Mandie Francisco and her family about their growth through foster care. How It All Started In 2012 Mandie Francisco and her husband gained the inspiration to foster after their friends shared their experience. It brought a…

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  • March 9, 2020

    Team Building in Dallas with Trintech

    Team Building in Dallas with Trintech This week we spent some time team building in Dallas with the Trintech team. One way we help kids in foster care is through charitable team building events hosted by our partners. This allows people to make a difference in the lives of kids who live in their community.…

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  • March 5, 2020

    Greeting Cards For Adoption Community

    Greeting Cards For Adoption Community Adoptionly Yours fills the need for greeting cards specific to the adoption community. The Tampa mom team, Stacy Clark and Jayne Alfieri started their company to change the narrative on adoption. The Start of Adoptionly Yours Stacy Clark and Jayne Alfieri both adopted their daughters over a decade ago. With…

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    March 5, 2020

    Foster to Adopt Ohio: Gaby’s Story

    Foster to Adopt Ohio: Gaby’s Story Gaby Glaser had a unique perspective on how foster to adopt in Ohio works. Growing up she lived in a home with foster siblings and even 5 adopted ones! She is now a supervisor at the Department of Child Services. She’s seen first-hand the hardships that some of these…

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    March 4, 2020

    A Bright Future For Texas Kids in Foster Care

    A Bright Future For Texas Kids in Foster Care There is a bright future for Texas kids in foster care. This week Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott met with employers, community advocates, and the Texas Workforce Commission. The meeting focused on bringing awareness to foster youth. Currently, the TWC provides support to 18 Foster Youth…

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    March 3, 2020

    When Do You Know You’re Ready to Foster?

    When Do You Know You’re Ready to Foster? When do you know you’re ready to foster? We recently received a copy of the handwritten letter from a child professing their goal to foster. A beautiful note! One that got us thinking about how others chose to become foster/adoptive parents. So, to help give us more…

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    March 1, 2020

    Corporate Team Building Activities with AIG

    Corporate Team Building Activities with AIG Corporate team building activities are a great way to re-energize your team. This week our team flew out to New York City to work with one of our favorite partners AIG. They hosted corporate team building activities to benefit local kids in foster care. Why are Corporate Team Building…

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  • Feb. 27, 2020

    Foster to Adopting Teens: Casey’s Journey

    Foster to Adopting Teens: Casey’s Journey Foster to adopting teens is not as common as it should be. Sometimes the decision to adopt comes naturally just like it came for Casey Douglas and her husband. They knew they did not want to have biological children. Instead, they wanted to start their family through adoption. In late…

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    Feb. 27, 2020

    Kids in Foster Care Celebrate Their Birthdays with JetBlue

    Kids in Foster Care Celebrate Their Birthdays with JetBlue JetBlue is turning 20 this year! To celebrate they are helping kids in foster care celebrate their birthdays too. This week we flew out to Orlando for our first joint birthday party of the year. Not even the rain could damper this party of parties! Why…

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    Feb. 26, 2020

    Outdoor Team Building with Benevity

    Outdoor Team Building with Benevity This is our second annual outdoor team building event with Benevity. It is amazing to see how many do-gooders exist! We all gathered in Palm Springs for their 2020 CSR and Sustainability Conference. The 7th Annual Goodness Matters Conference Benevity is the global leader in CSR and employee engagement software.…

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    Feb. 23, 2020

    Foster Care and Adoption Legislation 2020

    Foster Care and Adoption Legislation 2020 Foster Love - Together We Rise is always searching for new ways to help lift the voices of foster youth. As we approach election season there are several bills up for vote to help improve foster care and adoption legislation. While we can’t always help kids in care every day. Voting for…

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  • Feb. 20, 2020

    Why is Social Responsibility Important?

    Why is Social Responsibility Important? Why is social responsibility important? Well, there are several obvious reasons, breaking monotony, lifting spirits, cultivating friendship. But the most important reason is to increase positive culture within an organization. Just think about it. People spend more time at work than with their families!!! The 40-hour workweek is almost a…

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  • Feb. 20, 2020

    Foster Care to Success- The Newman Family

    Foster Care to Success- The Newman Family One foster care success story is a forever home ending. Sometimes the bigger picture doesn’t happen all at once but instead, it happens in pieces. Sydney Newman and her husband began their adoption journey back in January of 2018. They started with the intention to solely adopt. By…

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  • Feb. 19, 2020

    5 Tax Breaks for Parents

    5 Tax Breaks for Parents Tax season is here! A time of stress for many, especially if you are looking for ways to offset owing taxes to the IRS. Luckily, there are several tax breaks offered to parents. As you compile your documents and get ready to file there are 5 major tax breaks for…

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  • Feb. 18, 2020

    Five Things Kids in Foster Care Need

    Recently, social media platforms saw a viral post about donating used luggage to kids in foster care. This post helps inform the public about how kids in foster care typically get a trash bag to move. One point of misinformation from this post is that many foster agencies don’t have enough storage. When placements come…

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    Feb. 14, 2020

    The Importance of Team Building: LifeRay

    The Importance of Team Building: LifeRay The importance of team building isn’t as subjective as you’d like to think. We recently spent time with LifeRay and saw the impact of team building in real-time. There is true connectivity between team members and the greater community. These moments strengthen not only the organization but the individual.…

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  • Feb. 11, 2020

    Team Building for Large Groups

    Team Building for Large Groups Team building with large groups can seem overwhelming. So many people to organize. Researching rentals or large spaces. Find affordable catering. The list can go on and on. We recently met with the managers from Publix markets for a HUGE team build with over 1,200 people. Let us tell you…

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    Feb. 11, 2020

    Kinship Foster Care to Adoption: The Davis Family

    Kinship Foster Care to Adoption: The Davis Family Kinship foster care adoption is more common than you think. Hattie Davis and her husband began their kinship adoption journey back in 2017. On October 3, 2017 CWS removed her niece and nephew from their home. As soon as the couple found out they knew that they…

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  • Feb. 10, 2020

    Adoption Through Foster Care Program: Kimber’s Story

    Adoption Through Foster Care Program: Kimber’s Story It just takes the right placement for a kid and parent to consider adoption through foster care. Kimber Robinson and her husband were just the right placement for two siblings, a toddler and an infant. They came into their care in February of 2018. The siblings had been…

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    Feb. 9, 2020

    6 Things to Consider Before Fostering or Adopting a Child

    6 Things to Consider Before Fostering or Adopting a Child Congratulations! You are finally making the moves to become a foster or adoptive parent. With almost half a million children in foster care and a quarter of them ready for adoption. This is a needed and welcomed move. Before you submit your paperwork read our…

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  • Feb. 6, 2020

    Siblings Searching for a Forever Family

    Siblings Searching for a Forever Family Four siblings are searching for a forever family. With more than 70% of siblings in care separated by different placements. One can see why these sweet children want a forever family quickly. Who Are These Children? The sibling set of four consists of Adarious, Jayonna, Douglass, and Jaycee. Adarious…

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    Feb. 5, 2020

    Team Building Activities for Adults

    Team Building Activities for Adults Finding team building activities for adults can be stressful. This week we helped Tarkett and their team in Arlington, Texas with orchestrating team building activities for adults. The team of 55 people came together for a fun bike and skateboard build for foster kids. Who is Tarkett? The Tarkett group…

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