• familyof12
    July 6, 2020

    Adoption: Becoming a Family of 13

    Adoption: Becoming a Family of 13 The calling of being a foster parent transcends blood bonds. You have to be prepared to build relationships with children who might not be so open or in some cases their biological families. Reunification is the main goal of foster care and must be pursued when possible and safe.…

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  • adoptionjourney
    July 3, 2020

    The Adoption Process and Starting a Family

    The Adoption Process and Starting a Family Sometimes, the foster journey transforms helps inform people about the adoption process. Some foster parents solely foster because they want to help children in need. Others start fostering because they would like to start a family. Kimberly Norton and her husband began their journey because they saw a…

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  • kid bike
    July 1, 2020

    Wheels For Change – Give Bikes to Kids in Care

    Wheels For Change – Give Bikes to Kids in Care This July Foster Love - Together We Rise is starting the Wheels for Change campaign. The goal is to raise money to buy and ship 120 new Schwinn Bikes to kids in foster care nationwide during the month of July. You might be wondering, why bikes? Well, we…

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  • BLOG_Block Text Template (1)-Recovered
    July 1, 2020

    Infant Adoption: Growing a Family Through Foster Care

    Infant Adoption: Growing a Family Through Foster Care For some, the decision to foster doesn’t come until after they’ve started a family of their own. Caring for a child leads to the realization that there are many children in need that need someone to advocate for them. Kimberly Stark and her husband came to that…

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  • adventure-baby-beautiful-blue-eyes-286625
    June 28, 2020

    National Reunification Month 2020

    National Reunification Month 2020 June is National Reunification Month. The main goal of foster care is reunification. Based on the national median, 69.2% of children are reunified with their biological families within 12 months of entering the system. This is often overlooked by those outside of the foster care community. What an amazing fact, that…

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  • familiesss
    June 25, 2020

    Interracial Families Growing Through Foster Care

    Interracial Families Growing Through Foster Care Many interracial families use foster care as a way to grow. The decision to become a foster parent is an important one. You choose to become responsible for vulnerable foster youth and become a role model to those who might not have had a positive influence before. Kristina Brooks…

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  • waiting
    June 24, 2020

    Babies Waiting for Adoption within Foster Care

    Many people underestimate how many babies are waiting for adoption with foster care. Navigating the foster care system can be intimidating regardless of the goal. Taking the time to learn about and understand the process and practices is very important. That is exactly what Kelly Reynolds and her husband did. The couple talked about the…

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  • Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 9.42.49 AM
    June 23, 2020

    5 Ways to Make Masks Less Scary for Kids

    5 Ways to Make Masks Less Scary for Kids Masks can be scary for kids. Not the just Halloween masks but surgical masks worn by everyone because of COVID. Think about it. In American society face masks are a rare thing in public. Before the Coronavirus the only place masks were prevalent was in hospitals.…

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  • woman-using-laptop-doing-a-video-call-4099096
    June 23, 2020

    Safer at Home Team Building with TCW

    Safer at Home Team Building with TCW This past Tuesday the Joann from TWR helped TCW with a Safer at Home team building service project. What is a Safer at Home team building service project? Welp! Since we are all still practicing social distancing everyone is having to get creative to go on with “life…

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  • boy-in-brown-hoodie-carrying-red-backpack-while-walking-on-207697
    June 17, 2020

    What Will School Look Like When Returning From COVID

    What Will School Look Like When Returning From COVID What will school look like when returning from COVID? This is a question on many parents’ minds. As states begin to reopen slowly we all wonder about our children. How will their school day look? What are schools doing to keep students and teachers safe? Here…

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  • COLLEGE copy
    June 17, 2020

    Only 3% of Foster Youth Graduate from College

    Only 3% of Foster Youth Graduate from College Only 3% of foster youth graduate from college. This is not only alarming but detrimental when those same young people look for opportunities that align with their peers. Foster Love - Together We Rise is fortunate to be able to help current and former foster youth reach their academic goals…

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  • June 15, 2020

    Kids for Adoption- How Fostering Can Build New Families

    Kids for Adoption- How Fostering Can Build New Families There are over 100,000 kids for adoption in foster care right now. Making the decision to foster requires heavy consideration. Kelly Stine and her husband understood that ever since they began talking about starting their family. Before they had biological kids they considered fostering but decided…

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  • georgia
    June 15, 2020

    Despite Pandemic- Georgia’s Foster Youth Graduation Rates Increase

    Despite Pandemic- Georgia’s Foster Youth Graduation Rates Increase Despite the pandemic, Georgia’s foster youth graduation rates increase. Sadly, the high school graduation rates among foster youth is low. Nationally, only 50% of youth in foster care graduate from high school by age 18. This is almost 20% lower than the average high school student. What…

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  • adoptingachild
    June 14, 2020

    The Long Term Plans of Adopting a Child

    The Long Term Plans of Adopting a Child For some, like Kelly Skarshaug, adopting a child has always been a part of their plans. From her teenage years, Kelly knew she wanted to be an adoptive parent. The thought of helping children in need motivated her to one day become licensed. In 2014 she got…

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  • adorable-adult-boys-brothers-341378
    June 12, 2020

    Maneuvering Through the Foster Care System – The House Family

    Maneuvering Through the Foster Care System – The House Family For some, the complexity of maneuvering through the foster care system is enough to scare them off. Tanner House and his wife shared those concerns ever since they began to consider adoption. Although, they didn’t allow those fears to stop them from pursuing their dream…

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  • teensincare
    June 10, 2020

    Adopting Teens Through Foster Care

    Adopting Teens Through Foster Care Adopting teens through foster care seems unlikely. Fostering to adopt is a long and uncertain road in general. Nevertheless, Brooke Coffman and her husband knew they wanted to begin their family through adoption. So in 2017, they began their journey of becoming certified for adoption. After a few months, they…

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  • woman-in-white-bed-holding-remote-control-while-eating-1040158
    June 9, 2020

    5 Bad Habits You’ve Picked Up During COVID

    5 Bad Habits You’ve Picked Up During COVID What bad habits have you’ve picked up during COVID? Not exercising? Maybe wearing the same pajamas for days? Now that we are going back to work and slowly back to life, as usual, it’s time to revaluate. Here is our list of 5 bad habits picked up…

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  • Forestdale_Gala_1904174_hr (1)
    June 8, 2020

    The Importance of  Supporting Children in Foster Care

    The Importance of  Supporting Children in Foster Care Some question the importance of supporting children in foster care. They are in a system and that should be enough, right? Thankfully there are people like Danielia Donohue Reidy, the Senior Community Engagement Office at Forestdale, Inc., who understands the fundamental needs of children go beyond foster…

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  • June 5, 2020

    4 Websites to Check Out Children’s Books for FREE

    4 Websites to Check Out Children’s Books for FREE Did you know that you can check out children’s books for free online? Reading to your children is a great way to spend time and bond. We challenge you to turn off the tv this evening and get into a book. With COVID, not everyone has…

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  • Family Photo
    June 4, 2020

    Meet Becky Mercer a Champion for Children in Care

    Meet Becky Mercer a Champion for Children in Care There are currently over 430,000 children in care nationwide. To help increase awareness about the needs within the foster care community, Foster Love - Together We Rise is chatting with Becky Mercer from Lonestar Social Services.  Who is Becky Mercer? Becky is a longtime advocate for children. She started…

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  • talk to children about sad news
    June 4, 2020

    3 Ways to Talk to Children About Sad News

    3 Ways to Talk to Children About Sad News We are living through unprecedented times and it is difficult to talk to children about sad news. There are many factors to consider including age and relevance. Even when speaking to other adults many people avoid hard topics. Like can get scary and it is important…

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  • adoptingfromcare
    June 4, 2020

    Adopting Children During COVID-19

    Adopting Children During COVID-19 Adoption can already be complicated but imagine adopting children during COVID-19. The system is flooded with children who just need a support system and one of the things that the foster care system is in dire need of is loving parents. Callie Ballie and her husband took the step of becoming foster…

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  • Becoming Adoptive Parents To A Family Member
    June 3, 2020

    Becoming Adoptive Parents To A Family Member

    Becoming Adoptive Parents To A Family Member Today we chat with Lashay and her husband about becoming adoptive parents to a family member. Sometimes foster care doesn’t have to be provided by complete strangers. There is a process known as kinship care which allows for family members to care for children when their biological parents can’t.…

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  • grayscale-photo-of-man-woman-and-child-736428
    June 2, 2020

    Black Lives Matter-Period

    Black Lives Matter-Period Black lives matter, period. We condemn racism in all forms. Foster Love - Together We Rise is founded on the notion that when the community unites great change is possible. We believe that children have the right to grow up in safe loving environments with dignity. Children have the right to equitable educations, health care,…

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  • May 31, 2020

    Helping Children in Care…Because They Matter

    Helping children in care is important because, well, they matter. May is Foster Care Awareness Month. To help people gain insight on the foster care community Foster Love - Together We Rise interviewed Paige Procknow, National Angels, Chief Marketing Officer. Paige began her career with National Angels in 2017. Through the organizations’ 20 chapters they serve children across…

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